#pious pools


Rules: Answer these questions, and tag 20 people you would like to get to know better.

Tagged by: The hobo
Names: If we know us better I might tell you ;3
Nickname: Rung, Jazz, Goldfish and at conventions mostly the charcter I’m cosplaying (How else do you speak to a person u totally don’t know at this moment?)
Zodiac Sign:Scorpio
Hogwarts House:Oh…uhm…mh..
Height: 170 cm
Orientation: Bi. For me It’s about the person behind the gender
Ethnicity: I´m German
Favorite Fruit:Banana
Favorite Season: Spring and autumn
Favorite Book Series: That means no comics right? So I would say Mass Effect, Halo and Stephen King’s treasures and of course: Sherlock Holmes !!!
Favorite Fictional Character: Will always be Rung. He’s so adorable Favorite Flower: Cacti and sunflowers I think
Favorite Scent: Hm..fresh peeled mandarines
Favorite Color: Orange, Yellow, Blue and green I think.
Favorite Animal:Hamsters!
Favorite Artist/Band: Two Steps from Hell
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa:CocoaAverage Sleep Hours: 6-7 hours
Number of Blankets I sleep with: Depends on the temperature. It could be 1-3
Dream trip: I don’t tell ya yet :3
Last thing I Googled: Fabrics
Blog created:uhm…
How many Blogs do I follow: I will add this later
Number of Followers: I’m happy : )

What do I usually post about:

- Cosplay and random stuff but you will see much more soon. Stay tuned

Do I get asks regularly: Sometimes. It would be fun to get some more :D

I will tag - (Don’t know who of y’all did this but I would say:) @sweetcrescent,@ouroboros2014,@skidblast,@themanlylobster,@mnemoiisms,@crono8,@punkerbones,@ephdraws and everybody who like to do this.

Please feel free to ignore this if you want to : )
