#that was fun


1 hour sketch, I went with Pitou


Ok also bc this website doesnt allow polls pls reblog if ur subbed to dracula daily and say in the tags if you’ve read dracula before, have only seen/heard film/tv/radio adaptations, or if u only know dracula through cultural osmosis im curious

Rules: Answer these questions, and tag 20 people you would like to get to know better.

Tagged by: The hobo
Names: If we know us better I might tell you ;3
Nickname: Rung, Jazz, Goldfish and at conventions mostly the charcter I’m cosplaying (How else do you speak to a person u totally don’t know at this moment?)
Zodiac Sign:Scorpio
Hogwarts House:Oh…uhm…mh..
Height: 170 cm
Orientation: Bi. For me It’s about the person behind the gender
Ethnicity: I´m German
Favorite Fruit:Banana
Favorite Season: Spring and autumn
Favorite Book Series: That means no comics right? So I would say Mass Effect, Halo and Stephen King’s treasures and of course: Sherlock Holmes !!!
Favorite Fictional Character: Will always be Rung. He’s so adorable Favorite Flower: Cacti and sunflowers I think
Favorite Scent: Hm..fresh peeled mandarines
Favorite Color: Orange, Yellow, Blue and green I think.
Favorite Animal:Hamsters!
Favorite Artist/Band: Two Steps from Hell
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa:CocoaAverage Sleep Hours: 6-7 hours
Number of Blankets I sleep with: Depends on the temperature. It could be 1-3
Dream trip: I don’t tell ya yet :3
Last thing I Googled: Fabrics
Blog created:uhm…
How many Blogs do I follow: I will add this later
Number of Followers: I’m happy : )

What do I usually post about:

- Cosplay and random stuff but you will see much more soon. Stay tuned

Do I get asks regularly: Sometimes. It would be fun to get some more :D

I will tag - (Don’t know who of y’all did this but I would say:) @sweetcrescent,@ouroboros2014,@skidblast,@themanlylobster,@mnemoiisms,@crono8,@punkerbones,@ephdraws and everybody who like to do this.

Please feel free to ignore this if you want to : )

Potholes Things had become familiar with all the fanfare of an assassin, sneaking up on them when th


Things had become familiar with all the fanfare of an assassin, sneaking up on them when they’d thought things were going so well. But two months into the relationship and they were in a rut, the same routine wearing away at their minds with a collective pressure that was only compounding their frustration into something with about as much strength and subtlety of a diamond. 

What had surprised him was that she had made the first move, decided to take the initiative and compress the slowing heart of the relationship until it started to beat a little faster. That night he’d come home to his best suit laying on the bed, an open bottle of whiskey on the side board and the sweetest little note requesting, pleading with him to put on the suit, drink the whiskey, and meet her in the living room. 

For a moment he had bristled, some deep anti-authoritarian urge rising up in the back of his throat, and it was just as unpleasant a taste as any you might imagine. It was her pretty little signature that fought it back down, at once innocent and professional, reverent and playful. The loop of the Y and the casual circle of the I. He smiled, and did as she had asked. 

There was another tumbler of whiskey in the living room, and he could hear her moving around in the kitchen, even catch the odd glimpse of her as she flitted past the half open door. A flash of white, the swish of her hair as she all but danced around, twirling and whirling, an adorable tornado he couldn’t quite enjoy, not yet. 

So he sat, and he sipped, and he waited. Thought, for a while, about exactly what was going on, this odd, pleasant little power reversal that was almost as perverted as it was unexpected. Things would shift, in time, as they always did; their natures were too ingrained for them to not. But for now he was content allowing her to take the lead for once. 

A few minutes passed, and then she stepped in, a blush heavy on her cheeks and a pair of delicate little cupcakes on a plate in her hand. He glanced from them to her face, and then back down a little, the thin white dress she was wearing seeming almost ethereal in the low light of the evening. 

“I baked these for you.” He smiled and nodded, taking another sip of whiskey. Anything more seemed like it might shatter this delicate little scenario she’d created. 

She set them down, and walked over to him, her face tilted down and her eyes flitting from him to the ground, over and over again. She stopped a foot short, and he reached out, fingers playing over the material of her dress. And then he grabbed her, wrist in his hand, and pulled her down onto his lap.

Her body moulded to him like it was made for it, as it always had. But there was something else there, an element that had been missing for weeks. It was showing most clearly in the mutual smile they were sharing, and the crinkle of the smile in the corners of her eyes. It was the way his hands couldn’t help but roam over her, and her’s couldn’t help but cling to him. It was movement, irresistible and unrelenting, a force that kept them both in motion as soon as they touched, like unstable atoms. 

He kissed her, and it was all but a revelation. 

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Describing Terry Pratchett’s books is difficult. Someone asked me what the book I was reading was about, and I had to tell them it was about banking and the gold standard, but like in a cool way with golems and action. 

 I don’t think they believed me.

welcome to the club

It is so, so difficult to explain to people that your favorite book is about transgender feminist dwarves, Nazi werewolves, and the mystery of a missing piece of really old ritual bread. And Opera saves the day.

yes, give us those sweet, sweet, terrible descriptions

A tortoise who’s really a god, finds an allegory for Jesus and they go on adventures in an ancient greece like place and then a desert 

The chief of police averts a rerun of an ancient war, partially despite and partially because of being possessed by a dying dwarf’s graffiti

It’s like Les Miserables but Javert is the good guy and also there’s time travel.  

Macbeth but it’s about the witches

Chapter one, the protagonist is hanged. Then he’s put in charge of the post office. Yes, in that order.

it’s like mulan if there were way more mulans in mulan and also pratchett is extra irritated that too many people missed the point of jingo

The bureaucrats of the universe get annoyed at the paperwork humanity causes so they decide to steal Christmas.  Replacement Christmas is done by Death and replacement Death is done by goth Mary Poppins, who is also in charge of the investigation.

these are all nice and accurate reasons to read discworld if you haven’t yet

Romeo and Juliet football AU but the other team is wizards


An entire clan of tattooed, hairy, kleptomaniac, alcoholic Scotsmen decide a little girl is their new best friend whether she wants to be or not and she rescues her absolutely worthless brother by discovering the power of selfishness.


Someone is dying, journalism is being invented, and part of Pulp Fiction is going on in the background.

The universes burocrats want to measure everything so they pay a man to imprison time so everything will stop and they can measure things in peace. Goth mary Poppins saves the day, the fifth horseman of the apocalypse is the best Milkman in the world, and chocolate saves the day. Also someone was born twice.

Classic dynastic machinations are happening in fantasy China, to be completely overturned by a gang of elderly barbarian heroes and the world’s worst wizard and best sprinter

A sad, pathetic male of his species re-plumbs the depths of his soul and saves the city by wooing a powerful female. The same thing happens to a dragon.

…And all the above are true. :)

Someone invents a) affirmative action and b) black powder firearms. This makes a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.

  • A convicted (and executed) conman is given the job of looking after the moribund municipal government service and ends up fighting the corrupt businessmen who took over the internet and put it behind a giant paywall.

  • Cinderella but it’s about the fairy godmothers (and their opposite numbers), with bonus Frog Princess reversed, Puss-in-Boots reversed, vodoun/ Santería reversed, Casanova sort of reversed, and Wizard of Oz reversed, with musings along the way about identity, justice vs. mercy, and inedible bread,

  • Midsummer Night’s Dream meets Fake Boudicca, with bonus teen identity, how to spot and avoid grooming, the purpose of royalty, the purpose of witches, and bees.

  • Dracula, but with religion, resisting manipulation, the nature of sin, and Dissociative Identity Disorder.

  • The Three Musketeers but literally every role is reversed and there are dragons and secret societies.

  • Assassins Creed meets Egyptian Mythology; there are time loops, reanimated mummies, and camels are mathematical geniuses. Also technically incest but it’s okay?

  • Proto-Socialist policeman and reluctant noble solves a murder, avenges genocide, and learns kung-fu. There’s high-speed chase shenanigans and a lethal butler. Also harp music and jokes about novelists.


1. When Obi-Wan is about 3 years old, an elegant Togruta Jedi comes to his home. His parents make her tea and talk to her, solemnly, in their small living room. Outside, Obi-Wan plays in the dusty street with his cousins and some neighbor kids. Every few minutes he checks on his little brother, who is lying in a little cot with a canopy to protect him from the hot sun. A few hours later the Jedi leaves, and Obi-Wan’s father calls him in for dinner. Years later Obi-Wan will not remember this day.

2. Obi-Wan stands as still and silent as he can as the troops pass by his hiding place. In his weathered hands he holds up the farming implement he had been using earlier that morning as though it is a weapon. He hasn’t had cause to fight anyone since he was a child training in the dojo. The children he trained with are likely all dead now, whether out fighting in the war or burned with the Temple. He heard the death of the Jedi in his mind when it happened, but now his heart aches with the deaths of the others at the AgriCorps facility. His hands tighten around his makeshift weapon. He knows he can’t win, but if he can distract the troopers long enough for the transport to escape… May the Force be with me.

3. Anakin is at the dojo, getting some extra weapons training with a few friends and Obi-Wan is taking the opportunity to relax in the (brief) quiet of their rooms. He senses the familiar presence at the door and uses the Force to open it before Qui-Gon can trigger the chime.

“I seem to recall you admonishing Anakin for ‘frivolous use of the Force’ only last week,” Qui-Gon chides, immediately heading into the small kitchen nook to make tea. “When did you start subscribing to the ‘follow my words, ignore my actions’ school of teaching?”

“Only recently,” says Obi-Wan, heading out onto the small balcony to hide his smile. “My former master said little worth hearing.”

He settles comfortably on the balcony and waits until Qui-Gon finishes with the tea. 

“Brat,” says Qui-Gon with a chuckle. He hands Obi-Wan a cup and sits down beside him. In silence they watch the sun set beyond the city.

4. “No city, just sand? Everywhere?” Luke’s eyes have gone wide with disbelief and Obi-Wan chuckles as he imagines Anakin, at the same age, having a similar reaction to the idea of an endless city with no sand.

“As far as the eye can see,” Obi-Wan confirms. “And it’s always hot and none of the buildings are taller than 3 stories.” He doesn’t know if this is strictly true, but it’s not as if Luke will remember this conversation later in life if he ever visits Tatooine.

Luke makes a disgusted face, then suddenly twists around in Obi-Wan’s arms, pointing out into the city. “Leia’s coming!”

Sure enough, Anakin’s speeder is visible a few moments later. Obi-Wan moves back into Padme’s apartment, Luke protesting because he wants to see his sister immediately, never mind that they might be squashed as the speeder lands. As soon as it’s safe to do so, he sets Luke down. The little boy runs to his sister, who is being helped out of the speeder by Padme.

“Broken arm,” says Anakin. “Thanks for distracting him.”

Obi-Wan smiles. “Any time.”

“Dad!” Luke yells. “Uncle Ben told me about Tatooine - I wanna go there!”

5. His former apprentice, now masked in black, more machine than man, stands before him on the desert sand. With the eyes of the Force, Obi-Wan recognizes him still, sees the roiling pain, anger, confusion, hatred. 

As calmly as he can, Obi-Wan breaths out his own pain, grief, regret, attachment, makes himself a vessel for the Light. Let me be an instrument…

“Please, Anakin, don’t make me do this.”

“The boy is mine.” That horrible voice.

Obi-Wan ignites his lightsaber, blue fire and the smell of ozone. “He belongs to the Light. I will not let you touch him.”

And he doesn’t.

I’m so pathetically drippy and wet today AND, to make matters worse, I’m wearing black panties. The puddle is such a contrast against the black fabric and everything is just SO MESSY AND RIDICULOUS.







Greenpurpleredblue doesn’t support incest guys please let this die I’m literally begging you

Yeah. They moved on from Eddsworld content, and they said it wasn’t because of recent events, but I’m afraid of when they just out right avoid Eddsworld because of the toxicity of the people they make their Eddsworld content for.

This happened with many fandoms I’ve been in, and nobody tried speaking about it like a normal human being.

Exactly. Everyone always assumes the worst in people. They don’t even take a moment to think “maybe I’m interpreting this wrong” or “maybe I should ask the op what they meant”. It immediately goes to “this person is horrible and should be banned”. This is why people leave; this is why people stop enjoying certain things. And, most of the time, they’re usually innocent.

Yeah. I can also see greenpurpleredblue’s perspective on this when they answred the asks. All my life I have only been told what is good and what is bad without reasoning, and that really leaves you in the dark. You don’t know what is bad or good until you truly know why.

They said they would change their mind.

You just gotta give em a chance and explain it to them.

And they never got a chance! As soon as they even questioned why incest without sexual relations is bad, people immediately started pointing figures, accusations flying out before anyone could even think.

And then people decided to play the association game where anyone that tries to defend GPRB is just as bad as them. No one can have civil discussions, and no one listens to opposing sides. It’s fucking chaos in the worst way possible, since someone almost always suffers.

I usually don’t talk about this stuff, cuz this blog is for myself to have fun and not drama or whatever, but I want to say that I’m appalled by the treatment Greenpurpleredblue has had to deal with. They don’t support incest. You know what they posted? They posted something, asking for people to explain to them why it was wrong, because they don’t understand. They were genuinely confused. They wanted an answer besides “it’s taboo”.

And you know what happened?

People said they supported incest, because they asked a question. And that’s fucked up!!! Especially as somebody (myself) who’s mental state isn’t the best, and I don’t see the world in black and white terms (which is normal for most people, but i mean that mine is kind of extreme). So I ask questions a lot, because I don’t always understand right from wrong. I want to learn, damn it. I don’t understand things that apparently are “common sense” to everybody else. And when I do ask, I get made fun of. Just for asking a question. And the same is happening here. Greenpurpleredblue just asked a damn question, a genuine fucking question, and everybody screamed “oh my god they support incest!!”

That’s terrible.

I’m not asking you to like them or their art, I’m not asking you to be the one to tell them (politely) why irl incest is bad, I’m not here to preach some message about fiction v. reality because honestly? I don’t care. You’re allowed to hold whatever opinion you want.

What I am asking, however, is that you be more understanding. At the very least, don’t spread lies or harass people. But if you can, try to understand somebody’s opinion from all angles. And in this case—recgonize it was a question, not a statement, and realize that every human has a different mental process and different upbringing or cultural influence that can greatly effect their opinion or outlook on life. Just be kind to each other, it’s 2020.

gay culture is accidentally dressing like the most stereotypical bisexual you can and then being the Only Person in your whole college class to bring up the don’t say gay bill when discussing current public issues

elodieunderglass: pervocracy: allthingslinguistic: The International Phonetic Alphabet consonants fo




The International Phonetic Alphabet consonants found in English, with keywords and relevant parts of the mouth highlighted and colour-coded. (Source.) 

Pronouncing each of these in sequence is a very strange and amusing physical sensation, and I highly recommend it.

haha look it’s where those noises live in your dang FACE, TRY IT

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I got the Top 4.47% on this English Vocabulary test

I’m in the last 47.33% 

I shouldn’t have taken that test
