


Okay but Zane and Pixal are literally soulmates.

My evidence:

Exhibit A:

Look at them go!

Exhibit B:

Zane literally gave her half of his ‘heart’ to keep her running. My man’s was willing to sacrifice his power source for her after like what, a day?

Okay but Zane and Pixal are literally soulmates.

Me: I hate the idea of soulmates

The relationship: Pixal and Zane



I like to think that Zane’s warriors in season 11 are Samurai because he subsequently think of Pix

I think it would be… the funniest thing if it turned out that Zane and Pix… weren’t dating.

They’re just both mutually pining SO hard and both SUCK at hiding it.

Like the “I love you” scenes, those weren’t loving messages to be passed on to their partner, those were dying confessions in which they finally admitted their feelings.

And no one caught on to this. Everyone assumed they were dating, and they’re all baffled when Zane, after years of living with this girl, is like “guys… I think I’m gonna tell Pixal I like her.”

I made a 30-minute compilation of all my favorite Pixal scenes because she’s amazing and deserves it, but Youtube won’t let me post videos that long so I had to split it up in half. Here are both parts!

(Also pspsps I also uploaded my Pixal amv to this channel as well, along with a bunch of other edits and whatnot if you wanna check those out)

Pixal my belovedd

Here take this doodle that I did of pixal with her hair down which I gave up on finishing ://
