

My motto for 2017? FuckItUp
Head on over to my YouTube channel *Leah Vernon* for the full video where I talk about representation in the media, advice to other bloggers to get started, and, of course, how to fuck it up

IG: Lvernon2000

Rejection. I think I take it much harder than a normal person. Sometimes, I allow that fear of the uRejection. I think I take it much harder than a normal person. Sometimes, I allow that fear of the uRejection. I think I take it much harder than a normal person. Sometimes, I allow that fear of the uRejection. I think I take it much harder than a normal person. Sometimes, I allow that fear of the u


I think I take it much harder than a normal person. Sometimes, I allow that fear of the unknown and what ifs to totally prohibit me from saying something to someone, sending out that resume, or pursuing a goal.
But I always promote “just going for it”, but can’t even take my own advice. I’ve chatted with a few friends about it. “Leah you’re dope, just take a chance.” I sit there like Tina from Bob’s Burgers doing that prolonged moaning thing she does when she gets nervous.
Last week, I redid my little creative packet. This week, I sent some stuff to BuzzFeed, The Revelist, and Refinery29. Not sure what it’ll bring. But I’m just putting it out there.


IG: Lvernon2000
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This is like my first time legit getting a coupon code. Does that make me insta-famous? Will money m

This is like my first time legit getting a coupon code. Does that make me insta-famous? Will money magically appear into my depleting bank account? The world may never know.

Anywho, I’ve teamed up with Fashionnova
as they launch their new plus-size lines. I’m always looking for cool pieces with amazing detail, so when I saw this rope corset thingy in the front I was like oooooh this is so Leah V. And also, I’m really digging the long jacket. I’m gonna get several uses out this baby.

If you got some extra funds and want to get something cute for the weekend but wanna maybe save 15% off your purchase than use the coupon code LEAH It works. Honestly. Truly.

IG: Lvernon2000

Photo: Jordan Hecutsa

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Instagram @bijouxcurvy

Photo by @vazquezfoto
