#pl black ravens


we did tko jackbox for my birthday n i was drunkenly determined to buy one of the shirts. i woke up hungover the next day with no idea what shirt i actually bought until it came in the post today and yeah. no i do not remember drawin it and coincidentally both the art and the quote r apparently mine lmao. anyway crow illiteracy supremacy ig idfk

some more little shots from my work on my animation! the process is loooong

finally got around to drawing these kids in my style! may end up doing the other four if i can b bot

finally got around to drawing these kids in my style! may end up doing the other four if i can b bothered lmao!

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based on that one scene from mpgis u cannot tell me this hasn’t happened at least oncebased on that one scene from mpgis u cannot tell me this hasn’t happened at least oncebased on that one scene from mpgis u cannot tell me this hasn’t happened at least once

based on that one scene from mpgis u cannot tell me this hasn’t happened at least once

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love me a ragtag little group of bastards honestly anyway crow stans where u at

love me a ragtag little group of bastards honestly anyway crow stans where u at

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