#pla era


when the weird train guy becomes your pseudo-dad-figure even though you knew he wouldn’t be staying forever;

from the most recent chapter of recollection, retrospection, recognition,by@apatheticrobots , aka Ingo doesn’t get amnesia and it changes a lot of things but really barely anything at the same time.

i really really like it.

also. i think this is hilarious

And Then She Didn’t

today’s doodles Brought To You By: Lady Sneasler’s New Ward

yet another fanfic i enjoy ft. Mom Sneasler <3

it’s a lot easier to catch a legendary pokemon when they 1) have amnesia and thus 2) don’t remember that they are a pokemon at all

for this fic, an zekrom ingo fic:

here’s a silly thing i drew on my phone last night at 1 am last night. based on that one vine

Clan leader Irida leaning into the frame with a big smile, saying "Hey Into, happy one year!" with an addendum clarifying it as the "anniversary of ingo being in hisui" and a second saying she "wanted to do something to cheer him up" ALT
shows Ingo's head and collar on the other side of the image. he has a mildly confused face. and a small goatee. he is saying nothing ALT
same as previous, but he is looking away and saying "I'm twenty seven-", with the last letter of the word "Seven" being slightly cut offALT