#platonic fo takeover



Asks for your platonic F/O’s to answer about themselves and you! Again, this is intended for October 8-14 but you can reblog and play whenever you want, really. Consider practicing inbox karma!

1. What kind of music do you listen to?

2. How has being friends with S/I impacted you?

3. How is your personal style different from S/I’s and what would you think of having to switch clothes with them for a week?

4. What’s your favorite time of the year?

5. Who do you consider your family and how do you get on with them?

6. Do you have any hobbies or do any crafts?

7. How’s your cooking? What would you like to cook for S/I?

8. What was your first impression of S/I?

9. When hanging out with S/I, do you like to go out or stay in?

10. How does F/O cheer you up when you’re sad?

11. What do you like to do on snowy days?

12. What’s your favorite memory with S/I?

13. What are some of your biggest fears or phobias?

14. What do you associate with S/I?

15. What would you get S/I for a present?

16. What’s your favorite game? Board games, card games, sports, anything. How good at it are you? How about S/I?

17. Tell us what you love most about being friends with S/I.

Tag responses #platober2021 for other ppl doing the event to see them, if you want!
