


Decided to get somethin in for Platober while it’s still goin! For Week 1 - Dream Team! (we robbed something but it’s ok ♥️)


i procratinated so long we’re practically at week 3 already- But! I have something to share for platober!



Keep reading


For platober, a platonic fo. In this case, my brother Jack Frost 



Thank the gods for little sisters, so for Wednesday Addams



Art Prompt 3 for @platober2021central:

Roaring 20s/Film Noir AU!

It took a while, but I finally got this done.

In this Alternate Universe, everyone’s a group of private investigators solving crimes together. My favorite part of this is honestly the outfits.


I wanted to go back in time a little and do @platober2021central Week 3 prompt

So this is an OC platonic F/O in a Pokémon AU

I took shortcuts with coloring, especially his sweatshirt.

Craze would definitely have a Spinda, and I don’t give the guy enough attention here.


Hey everyone, I’m so thrilled that Platober has had such a successful first three weeks, and it’s made me so happy seeing all the wonderful content you guys have made. In fact, I’ve decided I’m toohappy, yes, far, far too happy by far. So, for the last full-week (Oct. 22-28) prompt, I’m prompting you guys to create something with your Platonic (or Familial, QPP or pet) F/O that’ll bring on the feels - be it heartwarming, angsty, bittersweet, comforting, anything, just as long as it’s sappy.

As always, if you don’t feel like doing this prompt, all the other week’s prompts are open to you as well, and even if you don’t follow any prompt, if you draw something in honor of Platober you’re invited to tag @platober2021central and I’ll reblog it. Tag #platober2021 too! And all kinds of art are welcome, including moodboards, edits, manips, playlists, fics, poetry, whatever. Have fun!


This week (Oct. 22-28)’s ask meme can be answered for you and just one platonic F/O, or multiple F/Os from the same source, or a whole pack of F/Os from multiple sources, anything you want! And as always, you can reblog this whenever you want, even after this week is over, and remember, inbox and reblog karma means more interaction which means more fun!


1. Is better at doing their chores?

2. Tells good jokes?

3. Tells bad puns?

4. Likes to get the door?

5. Plays a musical instrument?

6. Makes more of the decisions?

7. Gives better massages?

8. Is more outdoorsy?

9. Is stronger?

10. Is taller?

11. Loses their shit at Spirit Halloween?

12. Will eat anything?

13. Can do math?

14. Can drive?

15. Has more social media?

16. Speaks at least one other language?

17. Is better with kids?

18. Still sleeps with a stuffed animal?

19. Is better with animals?

20. Plays pranks on the other?

21. Scares more easily?

22. Is most likely to get into a fight, who holds the other back when they try to get into a fight, and who holds the other’s DRINK when they try to get into a fight?

23. Is better at keeping secrets?

24. Likes weirder music?

25. Cries during movies?

26. Tends to express their affection with words, and who tends to show their affection with action?

27. Plays cards? Bets on cards? CHEATS at cards?

28. Does crime?

29. Is quieter?

30. Casually says “I love you” to their friends?

31. Thinks of their friends as family?


Autumny Vibes Edition ✨

Intended for the week of Oct. 15-21 but feel free to reblog it whenever.

Sweater:What do you think of your F/O’s style?

Cider:Did your F/O Deserve Better™️ from their source?

Festival:Does your F/O like parties or do they prefer to stay home? Do they host or just attend?

FirstFrost: Is your F/O more strategic or impulsive?

Spice: What smells and tastes do you associate with this F/O?

Pumpkin:How much trouble do you and F/O get into together? Whose idea was it?

Fog: Tell us one of your F/O’s secrets

Rain:How emotional is your F/O, and how emotional are they compared to you?

Cinnamon:What are three of your favorite things about your F/O?

Crunch:Does your F/O like to annoy you, and how do they do it?

Harvest Moon: What’s a song you associate with your platonic F/O?

Scarecrow: What’s one of your favorite quotes from your F/O?

Maple:What kind of sense of humor does your F/O have?

Pie: Does your platonic F/O have any nicknames for you or vice-versa?

Tea:What kind of coffee or tea does your F/O drink? Or even cocoa.

Cozy:Tell us about a time your F/O was there for you/your S/I when you really needed it.

Acorn: What animal would your F/O be?

Squash:How would you do if you and your F/O had to switch jobs?

Berries: Do you ship your F/O with anyone romantically?

Candle:What would you get or make your F/O as a gift?

Tag your responses #platober2021 for other people to see, and remember, inbox/reblog karma makes things more fun for everyone, if you get a chance!


Hiii everyone! This week - Oct. 15-21 - your prompt is to draw your platonic (or familial, QPP or pet) F/O(s) in an alternate universe! And your self-insert with them, if desired.

This time, you can use this prompt as an ask meme! Here’s a list of some of my suggested AUs, so feel free to reblog this and ask people to prompt you with one and an F/O to draw in it! Or, just pick and choose whatever you like. Or come up with your own AU!

My Suggestions:

⚜️ Royal AU

Fairytale AU

Roaring 20s/Film Noir AU

Sci-Fi AU

‍♂️ Post-Apocalypse AU

Superhero/Villain AU

80s AU

50s AU

Horror Movie AU

Swap AU

Pirate AU

Cowboy AU

University AU

Teacher AU

⚡️ Pokemon AU

Wonderland AU

Modern AU

Elemental AU

Circus AU

⏰ Time Travel AU

Heist AU

Tag #platober2021 and @platober2021central for other people to see what you create! As always, all types of art are welcome. Also feel free to do this prompt anytime, not just this week. Have fun!!


Platober Art Prompt: Week 1 - Dream Team

A little late for this prompt but anyway, starting this off with Jim because you all know he’s my bestie, my main man. Mail man. I’m having so much fun with this event! @platober2021central


Asks for your platonic F/O’s to answer about themselves and you! Again, this is intended for October 8-14 but you can reblog and play whenever you want, really. Consider practicing inbox karma!

1. What kind of music do you listen to?

2. How has being friends with S/I impacted you?

3. How is your personal style different from S/I’s and what would you think of having to switch clothes with them for a week?

4. What’s your favorite time of the year?

5. Who do you consider your family and how do you get on with them?

6. Do you have any hobbies or do any crafts?

7. How’s your cooking? What would you like to cook for S/I?

8. What was your first impression of S/I?

9. When hanging out with S/I, do you like to go out or stay in?

10. How does F/O cheer you up when you’re sad?

11. What do you like to do on snowy days?

12. What’s your favorite memory with S/I?

13. What are some of your biggest fears or phobias?

14. What do you associate with S/I?

15. What would you get S/I for a present?

16. What’s your favorite game? Board games, card games, sports, anything. How good at it are you? How about S/I?

17. Tell us what you love most about being friends with S/I.

Tag responses #platober2021 for other ppl doing the event to see them, if you want!


The Dream Team for @platober2021central!

Here’s art of Cloud and I working together in battle. We make a great team!

*Background is a screenshot taken by me*


My drawing for the week 1 prompt of @platober2021central, “Dream Team.” Or in Danger Mouse’s case, “Nightmare Team.” With me (left), and my horrid bestie the Queen of Weevils (right).

Fun fact this is based on a old drawing I did of us awhile back, I’ve definitely improved. Also the background is taken straight from the show.


Anyways uh

Me and Kris are besties n0w

In this timeline uhh n0thing bad happens because I need that fr0m them. I’m just chilling in an0ther class but we see each 0ther and are like ah yes. S0lidarity.
