#play pretend


i wrote a song about escaping reality 

Full Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40ozF7LTj3c

#play pretend    #singer songwriter    #songwriting    #musica    #music video    #musician    #reality    #nature    #dealing with trauma    #trauma    #emotions    #emotional    #i wrote a thing    #artists on tumblr    #quotes    #lyrics    #lyric quotes    #imagination    #pink aesthetic    

Play Pretend #2 - Welcome Home


CW: Kidnapping, Restraints, Gagged, Creepy/Intimate/Obsessive Whumper, Non-con drugging/after effects, Implied stalking, Non-con touch, Non-con kiss, Alluding to panic attack, Swearing

Taglist: @sparrowsage@darkthingshappen@the-non-binary-cowboy@whatwasmyprevioususername

(Lemme know if you want to be added or removed <3)


Heavy eyelids reluctantly strained open, blinking sluggishly to relieve the fogginess clouding his vision and groaning out as he awakened from what felt like a decade-long nap. Those eyelids felt like lead, it was an internal battle with himself to keep them pried open. Fatigue truly overwhelmed Josh, his brain trying so desperately to claw him back down into the depths of sleep, his woozy head rolling around weightlessly, unable to keep it upright. The drugs are evidently still running rampant in his system. Unbridled, aching pain sprinted through every single muscle, all of his senses reeling and out of whack. 

With each passing second, a tiny bit of alertness drifted within his reach to snatch back, finally managing to drag his head upright begrudgingly, eyes widening to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings - panicked breaths creeping up as he wildly swung his head from side to side to scan the full scape of the room he was locked in:

A basement. 

A dingy, terrifying, dimly-lit basement. 

The only miniscule source of light being a flickering, dull bulb dangling above in the centre of the room. Shivering from the cold, thin air hugging itself around his exposed arms, the hairs standing on edge as the barista’s uniform shirt offered little protection from the glacial temperatures. 

Josh suddenly became very aware of the tight, burning pressure burrowing into his limbs; sat upright on a metal chair that had seemingly been fitted into the cement floor beneath him. Handcuffs fastened and biting into his wrists behind his back, ankles tightly bound to the legs of the chair winded with lengths of rope and to top it off; he found himself with a knotted cloth gag tied around his mouth, presumably to warn about any stupid ideas of screaming out for help.

Fuck that.

Of course Josh ignored the looming consequences, screaming bloody murder and bellowing muffled cries through the gag, tugging desperately at the binds hugging his limbs - giving himself the ridiculous belief that he could tear through pure metal, if he just tries hard enough. So obviously impossible but what was the other option, to sit patiently like a good little captive and do nothing? No, thanks.

Defeated cries and grunts echoed through the room, every inch of effort and energy being futile at trying to escape. That fucker from the shop, Josh’s mind churned, squeezing his fists with rage. He was responsible for this. He had chased the poor worker down, attacked and drugged him, to chain him up in a serial killer-esque basement. Josh struggled to and couldn’t mediate between the resentment and the fear he felt towards the stranger. 

What could he possibly want? Money? Good luck with that; maybe there’s an old piggy bank back in his flat with a few pennies in there. Revenge? Geez, if he didn’t like his coffee he could just ask for a refund… you know, like a normal person would. In all seriousness, Josh would laugh at the thought of it being for revenge if he was not deathly scared right now. He’d never crossed anyone in his entire life, he didn’t know anyone nor have the enough hours in the day to be out there making enemies. A sharp, red flash caught his eye, ripping him from his thoughts and spinning his head to spot the security camera lurking in the corner of the room - almost perfectly hidden in its shadowy corner and watching Josh like a hawk, twisting and manoeuvring it’s view around the room, the lens whirring and zooming in.

He’s watching. He knows I’m awake - 

The door at the top of a long wooden staircase swung open dramatically, revealing the dark figure lurking in the doorway, causing Josh to squint his eyes to adjust from the sudden, blinding burst of light leaking through. When his eyesight eventually levelled out, he now got a proper look at his captor looming before him, a tall and muscular frame that did not bode well for Josh in any fight or escape scenario. Dark brunette, wavy hair that framed his face with deep, dead brown eyes that stared him down with a condescending, lustful smile. He leant against the doorway, taking the moment to enjoy the sight and watch as Josh squirmed and huffed short and erratic breaths through his nostrils.

“Ah. You’re finally awake, sleeping beauty” he nodded his head forward with an arrogant smile, beginning to make his way down the creaky steps as Josh let out muffled, petrified protests, writhing in his seat, lashing out to break free from the restraints.

“Thought for a second I had accidentally overdosed you…you’ve been lights out for quite a bit-” Striding towards Josh and taking his chin in his firm, icy fingers, snapping the captive’s head up to look at him. Josh shot him the filthiest look, resuming the fight by roughly snatching his head back away from him with a growl, eliciting a scoffed laugh from the kidnapper.

“You’re making quite the racket down here, aren’t you?” he heartily chuckled, his thumb returning to its grip anyway, stroking across Josh’s chin, his clenched jaw. Josh began to feel faint, waves of nausea washing over him from stress but he fought to stay alert and conscious, terrified of what would happen if he let his guard slip for even a fraction of a second. Josh pressed his back hard into the chair, trying to edge far away from his captor, cowering away as much as physically possible from his touch as he lingered too close for comfort. Felix clocks on to Josh’s resistance, his low whimpers as he pulls away further and further. His lips twist into a contorted smile, removing his hands from Josh’s face as a flicker of relief shines in his glassy eyes - only to be swiftly stolen away when he instead brings his wandering hands down towards Josh’s thigh. Squeezing, and stroking the delicate skin as it involuntarily twitches underneath his fingertips, beginning to caress his touch suggestively down his legs, painfully slow. Josh cries out in defiance, trying to snatch his legs away but it’s no use - the ropes around the boy’s feet prevent any slight movement, keeping him painstakingly secured in place. 

“Shh, pipe down”, his tone grew stern, digging his fingers harshly into the flesh now, making Josh hiss from the pressure, “you’re okay….you’re okay-”. The words were supposed to be calming, Felix oblivious that it failed miserably. Josh felt a hiccuping sob trap in his throat, stricken with terror - too wrapped up in alarm that he failed to notice the pair of lips unexpectedly slamming onto his own dry, cracked ones - despite the cloth tied around his mouth. Initiating a fierce one-way passionate kiss, his tongue running along Josh’s agape lips, then biting down; beads of blood smearing onto his tongue. 

Josh went to pull his head away from the man’s direction with a distressed mumble but a rough hand grabbed onto the back of his head with a clear warning, fingers clenching onto his hair and balling it in his fist, keeping him sternly in place. All Josh could do is sit there motionless, shaking with fear and wait for his captor to be satisfied. Which was torturously longer than Josh hoped for; whining and murmuring into Felix’s mouth for what felt like hours before he finally relented. Pulling away with a smug, content look plastered on his face, wiping drool off his bottom lip with his thumb and exhaling a satisfied sigh - beaming down on his quivering, distraught prisoner with a sense of pride.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that”

There was no stopping the cascading flow of tears and jolted sobs any longer as Josh felt his face flush red with humiliation, biting into the soaked cloth in his mouth to swallow back what tears he could and hiding his face to the side, allowing the water that had been pooling in his eyes to finally spill for a quick moment. But his captor noticed.

“Oh, baby… no-” he cooed, now gently guiding Josh’s head to gaze at him with his finger as he stared back with what looked like genuine concern in his eyes. Wiping runaway tears away with his thumb and beginning to stroke the raven black hair falling down his face. Confusion prevented any other reaction from Josh, the tears paused in his eyes and his eyebrows furrowing from the demonstration of gentle affection… from the man that attacked, drugged and kidnapped him. 

“There’s no reason to cry, Josh. There’s nothing to be scared of. Not anymore, you’re with me now. You’re safe. I’ll look after you, I swear” he whispered the promises with utter sincerity, taking the boy aback as he searched his kidnappers eyes for even a glimpse of what was going on in that head. Evidently looking terrified at that statement, Josh could feel the colour drain from his skin, his heart punching at his ribcage, pounding through his chest. The man placed his palm back on the tear-stained cheek.

Josh muffles incoherently through the gag, babbling hysteric pleas that go unheard. He needed that wretched thing out of his mouth, he needed to scream questions at this man just to gauge some sense of the situation. To find out what was happening, and why him… a nobody? Tilting his head, he begins rubbing his jaw against his shoulder, trying to pull the material out and away from his mouth so he can talk.

“Ah, ah, ah!” Felix scolds as though he were a small child, two palms clasping onto his pale cheeks and bringing his head up to look at him, stopping him imminently.

“I’m afraid this is going to have to stay on just a little longer, sweet…” Felix’s fingers slip under the gag over Josh’s cheeks, pulling at it but not removing it.  


“Yes. I know you, Josh… you’re going to be totally emotional and irrational about all of this … you won’t let me get a word in edgeways and just freak out. You need a bit of a cool down-”

“Urghh!” a throaty groan wretched out as he threw his head back in frustration, testing his binds.

“I’ll leave you to get some actual sleep. I can imagine that artificial, drug sleep did you no favours”. 

Damn right, it didn’t. The thunderclap headache plaguing Josh’s skull confirmed that, the dull aches pounding through his body that may have been tolerable had he not had the shit beaten out of him before he was knocked out and taken. 

“It’s been a long day for you - we’ll talk properly in the morning”,  and with that he left the sobbing boy alone with a gentle hand tapping his shoulder, slowly pulling away as he retreats, making his way up the stairs and slamming the hefty metal door; the clicking of several locks sound on the other side. 

In that moment the severity of the situation came crashing down in fatal tidal waves, panic creeping up maliciously - Josh’s chest tightening and constricting as he struggled for breath. Shaking violently, the bile rising in his throat threatened to make him puke…but then the realisation of the gag made him freak out further from the worry that he’d choke on his own vomit. 

Alone. Down here in a basement. Where no one knows where he is. Dying alone and afraid. The tears continued as he sat helpless in the middle of the isolated room. The shivers cascaded down his skin, a mixture of the cold temperature and the death-grip fear had on his mind being the culprit. How he was expected to just drift into a well-rested nights sleep after all that happened, and all that awaited was beyond him. The tears continue to stream down his puffed cheeks, the cold harsh air instantly drying them before they even had a chance to drip onto the cement beneath him. He needed to ask the question he’d be dying to ask from the moment his kidnapper pulled the gun in the cafe:

Why him?



Play Pretend #2 - Welcome Home


CW: Kidnapping, Restraints, Gagged, Creepy/Intimate/Obsessive Whumper, Non-con drugging/after effects, Implied stalking, Non-con touch, Non-con kiss, Alluding to panic attack, Swearing

Taglist: @sparrowsage@darkthingshappen@the-non-binary-cowboy@whatwasmyprevioususername

(Lemme know if you want to be added or removed <3)


Heavy eyelids reluctantly strained open, blinking sluggishly to relieve the fogginess clouding his vision and groaning out as he awakened from what felt like a decade-long nap. Those eyelids felt like lead, it was an internal battle with himself to keep them pried open. Fatigue truly overwhelmed Josh, his brain trying so desperately to claw him back down into the depths of sleep, his woozy head rolling around weightlessly, unable to keep it upright. The drugs are evidently still running rampant in his system. Unbridled, aching pain sprinted through every single muscle, all of his senses reeling and out of whack. 

With each passing second, a tiny bit of alertness drifted within his reach to snatch back, finally managing to drag his head upright begrudgingly, eyes widening to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings - panicked breaths creeping up as he wildly swung his head from side to side to scan the full scape of the room he was locked in:

A basement. 

A dingy, terrifying, dimly-lit basement. 

The only miniscule source of light being a flickering, dull bulb dangling above in the centre of the room. Shivering from the cold, thin air hugging itself around his exposed arms, the hairs standing on edge as the barista’s uniform shirt offered little protection from the glacial temperatures. 

Josh suddenly became very aware of the tight, burning pressure burrowing into his limbs; sat upright on a metal chair that had seemingly been fitted into the cement floor beneath him. Handcuffs fastened and biting into his wrists behind his back, ankles tightly bound to the legs of the chair winded with lengths of rope and to top it off; he found himself with a knotted cloth gag tied around his mouth, presumably to warn about any stupid ideas of screaming out for help.

Fuck that.

Of course Josh ignored the looming consequences, screaming bloody murder and bellowing muffled cries through the gag, tugging desperately at the binds hugging his limbs - giving himself the ridiculous belief that he could tear through pure metal, if he just tries hard enough. So obviously impossible but what was the other option, to sit patiently like a good little captive and do nothing? No, thanks.

Defeated cries and grunts echoed through the room, every inch of effort and energy being futile at trying to escape. That fucker from the shop, Josh’s mind churned, squeezing his fists with rage. He was responsible for this. He had chased the poor worker down, attacked and drugged him, to chain him up in a serial killer-esque basement. Josh struggled to and couldn’t mediate between the resentment and the fear he felt towards the stranger. 

What could he possibly want? Money? Good luck with that; maybe there’s an old piggy bank back in his flat with a few pennies in there. Revenge? Geez, if he didn’t like his coffee he could just ask for a refund… you know, like a normal person would. In all seriousness, Josh would laugh at the thought of it being for revenge if he was not deathly scared right now. He’d never crossed anyone in his entire life, he didn’t know anyone nor have the enough hours in the day to be out there making enemies. A sharp, red flash caught his eye, ripping him from his thoughts and spinning his head to spot the security camera lurking in the corner of the room - almost perfectly hidden in its shadowy corner and watching Josh like a hawk, twisting and manoeuvring it’s view around the room, the lens whirring and zooming in.

He’s watching. He knows I’m awake - 

The door at the top of a long wooden staircase swung open dramatically, revealing the dark figure lurking in the doorway, causing Josh to squint his eyes to adjust from the sudden, blinding burst of light leaking through. When his eyesight eventually levelled out, he now got a proper look at his captor looming before him, a tall and muscular frame that did not bode well for Josh in any fight or escape scenario. Dark brunette, wavy hair that framed his face with deep, dead brown eyes that stared him down with a condescending, lustful smile. He leant against the doorway, taking the moment to enjoy the sight and watch as Josh squirmed and huffed short and erratic breaths through his nostrils.

“Ah. You’re finally awake, sleeping beauty” he nodded his head forward with an arrogant smile, beginning to make his way down the creaky steps as Josh let out muffled, petrified protests, writhing in his seat, lashing out to break free from the restraints.

“Thought for a second I had accidentally overdosed you…you’ve been lights out for quite a bit-” Striding towards Josh and taking his chin in his firm, icy fingers, snapping the captive’s head up to look at him. Josh shot him the filthiest look, resuming the fight by roughly snatching his head back away from him with a growl, eliciting a scoffed laugh from the kidnapper.

“You’re making quite the racket down here, aren’t you?” he heartily chuckled, his thumb returning to its grip anyway, stroking across Josh’s chin, his clenched jaw. Josh began to feel faint, waves of nausea washing over him from stress but he fought to stay alert and conscious, terrified of what would happen if he let his guard slip for even a fraction of a second. Josh pressed his back hard into the chair, trying to edge far away from his captor, cowering away as much as physically possible from his touch as he lingered too close for comfort. Felix clocks on to Josh’s resistance, his low whimpers as he pulls away further and further. His lips twist into a contorted smile, removing his hands from Josh’s face as a flicker of relief shines in his glassy eyes - only to be swiftly stolen away when he instead brings his wandering hands down towards Josh’s thigh. Squeezing, and stroking the delicate skin as it involuntarily twitches underneath his fingertips, beginning to caress his touch suggestively down his legs, painfully slow. Josh cries out in defiance, trying to snatch his legs away but it’s no use - the ropes around the boy’s feet prevent any slight movement, keeping him painstakingly secured in place. 

“Shh, pipe down”, his tone grew stern, digging his fingers harshly into the flesh now, making Josh hiss from the pressure, “you’re okay….you’re okay-”. The words were supposed to be calming, Felix oblivious that it failed miserably. Josh felt a hiccuping sob trap in his throat, stricken with terror - too wrapped up in alarm that he failed to notice the pair of lips unexpectedly slamming onto his own dry, cracked ones - despite the cloth tied around his mouth. Initiating a fierce one-way passionate kiss, his tongue running along Josh’s agape lips, then biting down; beads of blood smearing onto his tongue. 

Josh went to pull his head away from the man’s direction with a distressed mumble but a rough hand grabbed onto the back of his head with a clear warning, fingers clenching onto his hair and balling it in his fist, keeping him sternly in place. All Josh could do is sit there motionless, shaking with fear and wait for his captor to be satisfied. Which was torturously longer than Josh hoped for; whining and murmuring into Felix’s mouth for what felt like hours before he finally relented. Pulling away with a smug, content look plastered on his face, wiping drool off his bottom lip with his thumb and exhaling a satisfied sigh - beaming down on his quivering, distraught prisoner with a sense of pride.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that”

There was no stopping the cascading flow of tears and jolted sobs any longer as Josh felt his face flush red with humiliation, biting into the soaked cloth in his mouth to swallow back what tears he could and hiding his face to the side, allowing the water that had been pooling in his eyes to finally spill for a quick moment. But his captor noticed.

“Oh, baby… no-” he cooed, now gently guiding Josh’s head to gaze at him with his finger as he stared back with what looked like genuine concern in his eyes. Wiping runaway tears away with his thumb and beginning to stroke the raven black hair falling down his face. Confusion prevented any other reaction from Josh, the tears paused in his eyes and his eyebrows furrowing from the demonstration of gentle affection… from the man that attacked, drugged and kidnapped him. 

“There’s no reason to cry, Josh. There’s nothing to be scared of. Not anymore, you’re with me now. You’re safe. I’ll look after you, I swear” he whispered the promises with utter sincerity, taking the boy aback as he searched his kidnappers eyes for even a glimpse of what was going on in that head. Evidently looking terrified at that statement, Josh could feel the colour drain from his skin, his heart punching at his ribcage, pounding through his chest. The man placed his palm back on the tear-stained cheek.

Josh muffles incoherently through the gag, babbling hysteric pleas that go unheard. He needed that wretched thing out of his mouth, he needed to scream questions at this man just to gauge some sense of the situation. To find out what was happening, and why him… a nobody? Tilting his head, he begins rubbing his jaw against his shoulder, trying to pull the material out and away from his mouth so he can talk.

“Ah, ah, ah!” Felix scolds as though he were a small child, two palms clasping onto his pale cheeks and bringing his head up to look at him, stopping him imminently.

“I’m afraid this is going to have to stay on just a little longer, sweet…” Felix’s fingers slip under the gag over Josh’s cheeks, pulling at it but not removing it.  


“Yes. I know you, Josh… you’re going to be totally emotional and irrational about all of this … you won’t let me get a word in edgeways and just freak out. You need a bit of a cool down-”

“Urghh!” a throaty groan wretched out as he threw his head back in frustration, testing his binds.

“I’ll leave you to get some actual sleep. I can imagine that artificial, drug sleep did you no favours”. 

Damn right, it didn’t. The thunderclap headache plaguing Josh’s skull confirmed that, the dull aches pounding through his body that may have been tolerable had he not had the shit beaten out of him before he was knocked out and taken. 

“It’s been a long day for you - we’ll talk properly in the morning”,  and with that he left the sobbing boy alone with a gentle hand tapping his shoulder, slowly pulling away as he retreats, making his way up the stairs and slamming the hefty metal door; the clicking of several locks sound on the other side. 

In that moment the severity of the situation came crashing down in fatal tidal waves, panic creeping up maliciously - Josh’s chest tightening and constricting as he struggled for breath. Shaking violently, the bile rising in his throat threatened to make him puke…but then the realisation of the gag made him freak out further from the worry that he’d choke on his own vomit. 

Alone. Down here in a basement. Where no one knows where he is. Dying alone and afraid. The tears continued as he sat helpless in the middle of the isolated room. The shivers cascaded down his skin, a mixture of the cold temperature and the death-grip fear had on his mind being the culprit. How he was expected to just drift into a well-rested nights sleep after all that happened, and all that awaited was beyond him. The tears continue to stream down his puffed cheeks, the cold harsh air instantly drying them before they even had a chance to drip onto the cement beneath him. He needed to ask the question he’d be dying to ask from the moment his kidnapper pulled the gun in the cafe:

Why him?

