#please come join us



come join the gradblr support group discord server! 

created by the amazing @doubledteabaglife and co-modded by me

discord is like skype but way better (and it’s still free!). join us as we rant and rave about grad school and our disciplines and in general just support one another through this chaotic time. 



Part two of the dragon!barry AU series now called The Last Bond Dragon.

The shadow passing over her made her glance up sharply, and for a moment her eyes were dazzled by the sun. All she could see of him was a silhouette outlined in brilliant sunlight, sparkling around the edges.

He landed close to her, shaking the ground with his weight.

“Hello again, little bright one.”

He was breathtaking. As he landed, she tucked her notebook back into her rucksack and stood up, her spine already straightening, and sucking in her tummy a little, emphasizing her chest.

…Cripes, she was sucking in her tummy for a dragon. He probably had no idea what elvish body standards were like, he didn’t care if she had washboard abs or a gut.

“Hey, Sildar. How’s it goin’?”

This will be posting to AO3 soon but first, we’ll be doing a live reading on our discord server. The fic is just under 25k so we’ll be doing it in two parts, this Friday and Saturday, February 5&6 at 9pm eastern/6pm pacific.

Come join us! We’re all a friendly group and the worst thing that will happen to you is that we will say hello and you are totally welcome to not respond. Our live events are held in audio channels where only admin have speaking ability so you never have to worry about accidentally broadcasting your voice or background noises to strangers. It’s a pretty low key group who all just happen to love TAZ and Blupjeans, basically.

We’re also, in case you missed it, back doing live shows every Wednesday at 9pm eastern/6pm pacific of Off Balance, our Blupjeans-centric version of the TAZ Balance storyline. We’re up to the Eleventh Hour arc and folks, things are getting good.

Signal boosts appreciated. This is an EPIC series with so so much to come and we’re really looking forward to sharing it with everyone!
