


Are you missing your good good couple? Wishing they were in some sort of … say… D&D podcast or something?


Off Balance is a D&D live play podcast of the general TAZ Balance storyline but with a voidfished Lup and Barry in place of Taako, Magnus, and Merle.

TONIGHT, Nov 17th, 2021 is the final episode. Come join us LIVE ON DISCORD at 5pm eastern, 8pm pacific as we record our final session!

You can also listen to all past recordings on AO3.



Going live in 3 hours (9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific) with an all new episode of Off Balance.

Cutting for spoilers but…

Keep reading

Finally remember to make a post and now I have to let everyone know we need to start and hour later tonight. You should still come hang with us! I promise we’re a fun group!

Going live in 3 hours (9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific) with an all new episode of Off Balance.

Cutting for spoilers but…

We’re about to continue our dracolich fight.


Hey, y'all! Just a reminder message to say that TLR’s OFF BALANCE podcast is still going strong and we are just about to start the Suffering Game arc.

We just had our one year anniversary earlier this month and things are really, really cooking. Come give us a listen!

Off Balance is the D&D live play podcast of the TAZ Balance storyline with Lup and Barry in place of THB. They’re collecting the relics, seeing some familiar faces, and having some completely new adventures all set in the Balance universe with our beloved Blupjeans front and center!

Our episodes are available on Ao3 and Soundcloud.

We also record live on discord every Wednesday at 9 pm Eastern, 6 pm Pacific if you’d like to hear it as it happens!

(Ao3 link will be in the reblog!)

Hey, y'all! Just a reminder message to say that TLR’s OFF BALANCE podcast is still going strong and we are just about to start the Suffering Game arc.

We just had our one year anniversary earlier this month and things are really, really cooking. Come give us a listen!

Off Balance is the D&D live play podcast of the TAZ Balance storyline with Lup and Barry in place of THB. They’re collecting the relics, seeing some familiar faces, and having some completely new adventures all set in the Balance universe with our beloved Blupjeans front and center!

Our episodes are available on Ao3 and Soundcloud.

We also record live on discord every Wednesday at 9 pm Eastern, 6 pm Pacific if you’d like to hear it as it happens!

(Ao3 link will be in the reblog!)



Part two of the dragon!barry AU series now called The Last Bond Dragon.

The shadow passing over her made her glance up sharply, and for a moment her eyes were dazzled by the sun. All she could see of him was a silhouette outlined in brilliant sunlight, sparkling around the edges.

He landed close to her, shaking the ground with his weight.

“Hello again, little bright one.”

He was breathtaking. As he landed, she tucked her notebook back into her rucksack and stood up, her spine already straightening, and sucking in her tummy a little, emphasizing her chest.

…Cripes, she was sucking in her tummy for a dragon. He probably had no idea what elvish body standards were like, he didn’t care if she had washboard abs or a gut.

“Hey, Sildar. How’s it goin’?”

This will be posting to AO3 soon but first, we’ll be doing a live reading on our discord server. The fic is just under 25k so we’ll be doing it in two parts, this Friday and Saturday, February 5&6 at 9pm eastern/6pm pacific.

Come join us! We’re all a friendly group and the worst thing that will happen to you is that we will say hello and you are totally welcome to not respond. Our live events are held in audio channels where only admin have speaking ability so you never have to worry about accidentally broadcasting your voice or background noises to strangers. It’s a pretty low key group who all just happen to love TAZ and Blupjeans, basically.

We’re also, in case you missed it, back doing live shows every Wednesday at 9pm eastern/6pm pacific of Off Balance, our Blupjeans-centric version of the TAZ Balance storyline. We’re up to the Eleventh Hour arc and folks, things are getting good.

Signal boosts appreciated. This is an EPIC series with so so much to come and we’re really looking forward to sharing it with everyone!



That’s right, hiatus is over, Rowan is settled (enough) and we are going to get back in the saddle! Lup and Barry ride again!

Wednesday, January 6th, 9pm eastern/6pm pacific live on our discord channel! We’d love for you to join us!




That’s right, hiatus is over, Rowan is settled (enough) and we are going to get back in the saddle! Lup and Barry ride again!

Wednesday, January 6th, 9pm eastern/6pm pacific live on our discord channel! We’d love for you to join us!


That’s right, hiatus is over, Rowan is settled (enough) and we are going to get back in the saddle! Lup and Barry ride again!

Wednesday, January 6th, 9pm eastern/6pm pacific live on our discord channel! We’d love for you to join us!


Hey, y’all! We have a new episode posted on AO3. This is a ‘Live Show’ style session - Lup, Barry, and Killian investigate Crushbone Castle. If you wanna see what we do without worrying too much about the over arcing story, this is a great episode to come listen to!

See reblog for direct link!

Here’s the direct link to the episode: stream and download both available!


Signal boosts appreciated!!

Hey, y’all! We have a new episode posted on AO3. This is a ‘Live Show’ style session - Lup, Barry, and Killian investigate Crushbone Castle. If you wanna see what we do without worrying too much about the over arcing story, this is a great episode to come listen to!

See reblog for direct link!




We’ve been on hiatus while our fantabulous DM moves but they’re gonna be available to do a one off live-show (yes, we’re always live but think McElroys style live show) event!

Wednesday, November 25th, 9pm eastern, 6pm pacific, we’ll have a special OFF BALANCE.

It’s short notice but we’d love to have you come listen live with us on our discord:

As always, the episode will make it to AO3 eventually as well.

Signal boosts appreciated!!

One hour!!!!!

One hour!!!

We’ve been on hiatus while our fantabulous DM moves but they’re gonna be available to do a one off live-show (yes, we’re always live but think McElroys style live show) event!

Wednesday, November 25th, 9pm eastern, 6pm pacific, we’ll have a special OFF BALANCE.

It’s short notice but we’d love to have you come listen live with us on our discord:

As always, the episode will make it to AO3 eventually as well.


Hey all! Want to let you know we’re trying to play a sort of Off Balance version of The The Adventure Zone Zone. We’re calling our TTAZZ style episode Beyond Off Off Balance.

What this means: WE NEED QUESTIONS!!! Have you got questions you’d like to ask us? We’d love to hear them. We don’t have a scheduled time for this episode to happen because we need to collect questions first of course. But come join us on discord and submit them directly there or via this tumblr or our twitter (@ tazlivereadings) or email (tazlivereadings @ gmail)

Be sure to include a name we can refer to you with! We look forward to hearing from you!

(Also reblogs of this are highly encouraged and appreciated! Thanks!)

Off Balance is a D&D live play podcast of the general Balance storyline with a voidfished Lup and Barry in place of THB. We record live on discord every Wednesday night at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. Come join us! We also upload podcasts to Ao3 and Soundcloud to listen to our archive.


And come listen live with us Wednesday August 19 as we answer them!!

New Off Balance recording tonight on discord! Come join us!

9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific!

Off Balance is a D&D live play podcast of the general Balance storyline with a voidfished Lup and Barry in place of THB. We record live on discord every Wednesday night at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. Come join us! We also upload podcasts to Ao3 and Soundcloud to listen to our archive.


Hey all! Want to let you know we’re trying to play a sort of Off Balance version of The The Adventure Zone Zone. We’re calling our TTAZZ style episode Beyond Off Off Balance.

What this means: WE NEED QUESTIONS!!! Have you got questions you’d like to ask us? We’d love to hear them. We don’t have a scheduled time for this episode to happen because we need to collect questions first of course. But come join us on discord and submit them directly there or via this tumblr or our twitter (@ tazlivereadings) or email (tazlivereadings @ gmail)

Be sure to include a name we can refer to you with! We look forward to hearing from you!

(Also reblogs of this are highly encouraged and appreciated! Thanks!)

Off Balance is a D&D live play podcast of the general Balance storyline with a voidfished Lup and Barry in place of THB. We record live on discord every Wednesday night at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. Come join us! We also upload podcasts to Ao3 and Soundcloud to listen to our archive.

Hey all! Want to let you know we’re trying to play a sort of Off Balance version of The The Adventure Zone Zone. We’re calling our TTAZZ style episode Beyond Off Off Balance.

What this means: WE NEED QUESTIONS!!! Have you got questions you’d like to ask us? We’d love to hear them. We don’t have a scheduled time for this episode to happen because we need to collect questions first of course. But come join us on discord and submit them directly there or via this tumblr or our twitter (@ tazlivereadings) or email (tazlivereadings @ gmail)

Be sure to include a name we can refer to you with! We look forward to hearing from you!

(Also reblogs of this are highly encouraged and appreciated! Thanks!)

Off Balance is a D&D live play podcast of the general Balance storyline with a voidfished Lup and Barry in place of THB. We record live on discord every Wednesday night at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. Come join us! We also upload podcasts to Ao3 and Soundcloud to listen to our archive.

nillial: been listening to off balance from @tazlivereadings​ lately, which is a playthrough of taz nillial: been listening to off balance from @tazlivereadings​ lately, which is a playthrough of taz


been listening to off balancefrom@tazlivereadings​ lately, which is a playthrough of taz balance with barry and lup, so i’d thought i’d draw a lil bit of it!!! have a scene from the rockport arc in which barry and lup Go Fancy to in order to crash a masquerade ball

bonus under the cut:

Keep reading


Post link

Off Balance - Session TWELVE is now up on Ao3!

This is a D&D live play of the general Balance storyline with a voidfished Lup and Barry in place of THB!

HEY!If you haven’t kept up lately, lemme tell you what you’ve missed! First, Lup fled the moonbase to rescue her best friend, Brian before he could use a relic and/or be permanently ‘stopped’ by Killian. Along the way she picked up an injured human she met who was looking for the dwarf who’d hired him. She and Barry managed to save Brian and rescue the relic, returning it to the moon for destruction. Also, Merle was there at some point.

THEN, she and her new coworker Barry were sent to Rockport to infiltrate a masquerade ball to try and find another relic. There they met a brilliant boy detective, a terrible butler, and a familiar looking elf in a mongoose mask.

NOW they are deep in the overgrown wilds of what used to be the town of Goldcliff, working with the halfling Hurley and her merry band of himbos. What might happen next? WHO KNOWS! This is OFF BALANCE!

(Please copy and paste, tumblr hates links!)

Performed by:
DM, assorted NPCs: Rowan - @ jortsman  
Lup: Bitsy - @ zinglebert-bembledack
Barry: Cor - @ youhearstatic

Come join our discord and listen live with us every Wednesday, 9pm EST/6pm PDT! We’d also love to have your Fantasy CostCo ideas!



9pm eastern/6pm pacific!

Lup and Barry are deep in the jungles of what used to be the town of Goldcliff! There’s humor and drama and himbos and giant turtles! Come join us!
