#please dont bully me


Tell Me About Yourself ~Loki x Reader~

Ok so this is my first Marvel one-shot and I chose to start with Loki because he just needs a hug. (My Y key is dying. I have to press it like three times in order for it to work. And so sorry for not writing in such a long time)

Taglist application form (ok this time the form is actually fixed)

Warnings: Self-conscious!Loki

Word Count: 983

Summary: Loki has seen you around the Tower before but never actually tried to talk to you that is before an incident at Tony Stark’s party.

To this day Loki wonders how and why he was roped into this mess. If he didn’t let his jealousy and ambition get in the way, he may still be back on Asgard instead of being here in New York. He knows now the amount of destruction and death he had caused from his little visit to New York, and he has learned from it, but at the same time, he doesn’t blame everyone for keeping their distance, especially at Tony’s party. If Loki had a choice, he would stay in the Tower, reading the vast amount of books in his bedroom, but the thing is, the party is in the Tower.

Despite being annoyed at this, he couldn’t deny that he was getting a bit lonely. His brother once in a while comes up to him and asks how he’s doing but usually leaves him alone again right after, like right now. As soon as Thor got in his line of sight, he sighed, knowing he’s gonna ask the same question. As soon as Thor opened his mouth Loki already answered.

“I’m fine. I don’t need to be asked every ten minutes,” Loki’s words caused Thor to raise a brow before leaning against the high table where Loki puts down his drink.

“You sure? You’ve been staring at the floor since you came out of your room. Why don’t you join us at the couch?” Thor gestured to said couch and there were all the Avengers chatting. Yet that light-filled discussion quickly turned into a stupid argument about what music to put on. It was mostly just Steve and Tony insulting each other though while the others failed to hold in their laughter.

“I don’t think I’d really be welcome over there,” Loki turned his attention back to Thor.

“Well maybe but you have been living here with us for-”

“Yeah living. Not socializing,” Loki cut him off.

“All the more reason to go over there. You need to be more like-” the brother’s attention drew over to the elevator that opened where you walked in while everyone greeted you, specifically the rowdy Avengers.

“Like them,” Thor nodded his head towards you to which Loki looked over to you waving at his brother to which Thor waved back.

Loki has seen you many times around the Tower, whether if you were training, in the lab, or even just making breakfast. And he will never admit it, but you sometimes intimidate him. All the reason why he never went to talk to you even if you yourself tried being friendly to him. He doesn’t even know why you intimidate him. You seem so kind and you’re in no way a master assassin like Nat and Clint. Besides, he’s a 1,000-year-old god while you were just a simple Midgardian.

“Uh Loki, Loki!” Thor waved a hand in front of his face causing him to blink out of his thoughts.

“What? Sorry.”

“No need to stare at them. If you want to talk to them, just do it.”

“Uhm no.”


“Yeah no.”

“Wha- why not? Did they kick your ass in training?” Thor sighed.

“What? No. I never even talked to them before.”

“Oh, then what are you nervous about?”

“Well everyone knows I’m the one who almost destroyed New York so why would they ever want to talk to me?” Loki asked.

“You’re just being a worryrat. Look they’re walking up to the bar right now. This is the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself,” his brother patted him on his back while pushing him forward a bit.

“Come with me,” Loki said causing Thor to furrow his brows.


“Introduce me to them. You talk to them all the time.”

“But why? I specifically said yourself.”

“I don’t want to seem like a loser at a party because I’m alone.”

“But you are being a loser at a party-” Thor was still not getting it and at this rate, Loki is just going to get a headache.

“You know what? Fine. Fine, I’m going now,” Loki cut his brother off before walking up to you now receiving your drink from the bartender. And just by sheer luck, you had to turn around just as Loki was about to tap your shoulder, causing you to run into him, spilling the drink all over the two of you.

“Shit I’m so sorry!” you quickly put the glass down before grabbing some napkins to clean up.

“Oh no, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that,” Loki replied.

“What? Were you trying to jumpscare me?” you chuckled while handing him some napkins, before looking up at him to which you immediately recognized that face, “Loki right? The one who almost destroyed New York?”

Loki sighed before nodding feeling the embarrassment rise up in his chest. He knew this was going to happen. He’s always going to be known as the “outsider who destroyed New York.”

“Maybe this was a bad idea. Sorry to bother you,” Loki went to walk away and leave you to it but you spoke up.

“Hey hey, what’s the matter? Did I say something wrong?” You went to follow him.

“Oh, I just thought you didn’t want to talk to me as you started talking about the incident with New York,” Loki furrowed his brows in confusion. Why are you still talking to him? Usually, people would just watch him leave and start gossiping once he was out of earshot.

“You think I wouldn’t want to talk to you because of that?”

“Well, a lot of people don’t.”

You hummed to yourself before leading him over to an empty table in the middle of the Tower.

“Tell me about yourself.”

At this Loki’s brows shot up. He never met someone who would willingly listen to him outside of his mother. Maybe talking to you won’t be so bad.
