#please everyone stay safe


Friday the 13rd indeed.
I still can’t believe what happened yesterday in Paris. In my own city (I don’t technically live there but we’re really near and I go there all the time). I don’t feel safe anymore and I’m just scared (as if I wasn’t scared of everything already). Seeing all those people lose their lives while they were just enjoying a concert or a football match…is just…beyond words. I keep seeing these people on twitter looking for their friends and family, asking people if they saw them. And few hours later, announcing that the person they were looking for is confirmed to be dead. I feel so small and useless. This could happen to anybody. But you gain nothing by complaining, all we can do is protect ourselfs and our loved ones, help and pray for other people, and be united. I was pretty depressed when I went to sleep last night (I mean today cause it was 7am), only to wake up of the news that my best friend’s grandmother died. This is the first time that someone I know well died. I didn’t know what to tell my friend I was so shocked. I loved her so much. She was so nice to us, her food was delicious, she was a kind woman, a strong woman. I didn’t want her to leave and I don’t want my friend to be sad and depressed. I can’t believe she’s just gone like that and I won’t see her everytime I go to my friend’s house. She wasn’t a big part of my life but her death still shocked me.When you wake up in the morning, you really don’t think that someone you know could die at any moment. Sometimes I forget the people around me aren’t immortal. Those events opened my eyes and I’m currently realizing how many innocents die everyday and how much it affect their families and friends. I just saw the news about South Korea and it is just crazy? Attacking people who came to protest in peace? Wtf? Why do so many people have to suffer like this? Why those people specially and not others? What determined the fact that they are the ones who are gonna suffer? It could be anyone, why them? While I’m in my room, safe, drinking tea and witnessing everything through a computer screen. Nothing determine who’s going to suffer or die next. There is no logic in this. This is just unfair.
