#please help out my friend




So I just applied for food stamps for like the sixth or seventh time this year, but while I’m waiting for that to process (and likely be denied again), would it be inappropriate to spread a post just to scrounge up some grocery money?

I know this site has helped me out with rent just last month, and I’m thankful for that, and I know like in an existential sense I haven’t earned that yet, much less earned anything more. But I’m also hungry and I’ve got a migraine I can’t shake. I asked my family for 15 dollars today and they just screamed at me.

Whenever I do this kind of thing I always try to pay it forward into the universe later on. So far I haven’t had the ability to do that, I’m still out of work and hanging onto my apartment by the skin of my teeth. Still, if I could just get some decent food, maybe even a fresh vegetable, that would be astronomicalfor me right now. 

Click here to buy me one bell pepper which I will devour whole like an apple.

Hey guys what’s up, I have a very promising interview tomorrow! Downside: I have no money for public transportation. Or, like, eating beforehand. Click above to give me transit fare pretty pretty please I’m so stoked about this interview, I’ll be so depressed if I don’t make it there.




Please Donate or Boost

I was shy 13$ on rent and wasn’t notified of my negative balance from the bank until it was too late. I’m a full time college student with two jobs. Please boost or donate to my paypal and/or venmo in the reblog below.

Donations go towards food and gas, which is necessary for my job at Uber, and of course my overdraft fees. As long as I pay a minimum of 30$ a month towards the debt my bank account will survive.

I am also an artist. If you’re interested in commissions please email me at [email protected] . My art is below.



It’s down to $750! I have a long way to go but I’m super appreciative of the help I’ve received.

I now have an official commissions site. If you’re interested click the link below.

More example pieces below.
