#please help out


Just this past week my neighbor’s dad went into the hospital again due to a high fever. They found some bacteria in his urine and kidneys. He was in the hospital for a week, before being discharged and send home. I have already posted to help him out a while ago, but today here I am reaching out to every single one of you to help him out. His dad no longer has insurance and they are struggling to buy his dads medications, and they haven’t been able to take him to see his specialist doctors since January as they don’t have the money to cover the visits, nor have they taken him to do his monthly lab works as each come to a total of $200 something and they don’t have the money to afford them.

I personally have helped them out in doing cake sales, BBQ plates, simple stuff to cover his dad’s medication and anything they need such as supplies to change his father catheter (yes his dad has to use one since the brain surgery damaged that area that helps us send the signal to urine).

This time I have gathered several of my friends to help me out in donating items to raffle. I want to help promote this campaign as much as possible, and if it takes raffling items to help an individual in needs I don’t mind and will do my very best at it.

For every $500 dollars an item will be donated. At the moment I have 2 box sets of Sailor Moon (classic anime), 2 of my own extra Fruits Basket collector’s edition (volumes 3 & 4), Spice and Wolf volumes 1-5 novels, and the latest Gear VR. I am waiting on more items to be donated to me in the coming weeks. For every single reblog, shout-out, and like your blog name will be entered into the raffle.


You might ask yourself why is he helping this family?

This family has done a lot for me that my own family has never done, they have taken me into their home, given me advice and treated me as if I was their son.

Would you help them out?

