#please leigh i beg you


i know that the crows (other than nina) probably won’t show up in rule of wolves but i’m hoping that they appear

(also i haven’t read king of scars yet so i can’t make any predictions about how this is going to work within the plot)

while the ending of crooked kingdom was satisfying, i really just want to see more of kaz’s development, how he’s learning to work through his issues, i just want to see him happy PLEASE

i know inej and sturmhond have already met but i feel like there’s so much more potential for funny interactions between them because now inej is technically a pirate

also inej and nina friendship representation, do i need to say more

and i need more kanej, literally anything i’ll take anything, i don’t care if all they do is look at each other or stand in the same room

i really want wesper banter too, they’re so adorable and i love their dynamic

especially since this is probably going to be the last grishaverse book (at least for a few years depending on how the show goes) i’m holding onto the hope that they will appear

i know that this duology is focused on nikolai and i love love love love him so even if we don’t get them at all i think nikolai is perfect enough to fill that hole in my heart for now
