#please reblog especially if you play goatlings or ponytown



TEACAP for all this fuckery

Rabies: Previously exposed for pretending to be famous singer Kenshi Yonezu. Exposed as a serial abuser who has threatened multiple people with murder, literal stalking (finding addressess) and grooming minors. Called out for pedophilia (sending nudes to children, despite being 28 years old) which was admitted to be true by Joshythemself.

Joshy: Unofficial Discord mod. Called out for continuous bullying, harassment and enabling serial abuser and pedophile Rabies despite claiming to be a victim when he was a minor. Harassed victims of Rabies for coming forward and bullied multiple members of the community into silence. Hid all evidence of wrongdoing in the Unofficial Server with his clique who are all involved in this. Assisted Rabies in potentially moving to an alt and hiding out.

Miku: Outed as a pedophile alongside Rabies. Groomed minors and sent nudes to children. Has been (self?) banned on goatlings and vanished. Friends with Joshy’s friend group.

Matsuka: Harrassed and threatened victims of Rabies and Joshy. Harassed and block evaded an ex of Rabies on behalf of Joshy. Exposed as another predator who has preyed upon systems and bullied/manipulated/abused past exes. Defends Rabies’ pedophilic actions. Potentially faking his age. Has left the site allegedly.

Kato: Unofficial server owner. Enabled Rabies and Miku’s pedophilia. Hid the Unofficial Server Moderator team’s involvement. Has endangered all children in the server in the name of “not causing panic”. Still sides with the pedophiles and abusers, may be simply being groomed or manipulated into doing so. Assisted Rabies in hiding out, has old goats of hers.

Rantaro: Unofficial server mod. Part of the clique and firm defender of Rabies and Joshy. Part of the team who covered up all evidence and harassed victims who came forward. Endangered children and bullied victims into silence. Continues to fake innocence.

Sawyer: Unofficial server mod. Part of the group that enabled Rabies’ pedophilia. Serial bully, manipulator and harasser within the community. Frequently harasses users over petty issues such as kins and jealousy. Part of the bully clique.

Puroland: Unofficial server mod. Racist user who mocks Japanese people despite centreing their identity on Goatlings around Japanese things. Part of Joshy’s clique and involved in the coverup of pedophilia. Part of the group who harass and bully users. Has old goats of Rabies.

Stahl: Fat fetishist who sided with the pedophiles and enablers. Frequently posts fetish art in minor-dominated spaces. Serial bully and harasser. Likely friends with that group or at least a bootlicker.

Bumblebunny: Has left the site but sided with the pedophile enablers and tried to help cover up the severity of the situation. Likely is simply uninformed as to what was going on in the server.

MVP CANTBECREATIVE: Called all of this out in the Unofficial Discord before it was deleted. Was met with hostility from the mod team and stood firm while they tried to hide everything.
