#callout post




tw for pedophilia, sexual content! @silverliveblogsthings

please, please, reblog this after you’ve read it!

Keep reading

hey@silverliveblogsthings@silverliveblogsthings you deleted this from your server you fucking coward lmao












































DM: Time to get out the Monster Manual, or as some people like to call it: the Waifu Catalogue.


Sometimes I smash or pass the whole book

What the fuck guys

I like to smash or pass monsters in DnD and Pathfinder books.

BugBears are legit.

can we not


Smash or pass

Heh… that depends… what’s on the list


there are dogs on that list

you wanna fuck a dog


this is tumblr

don’t answer that

dogs? pass.

Liches tho……. ;)))

That’s actually not a terrible entry to thirst after. I mean, you could technically count it as necrophilia, but its consensual necrophilia, so you do you.

What the fuck

Of all the reblogs and additions to this post, this is the one you’re shocked by?

Consensual necrophilia is not a phrase I thought I’d hear. Then again this is tumblr, so maybe that’s on me

Hot take: the term consensual necrophilia also applies to vampires, since they’re undead creatures. Wanna fuck Strahd? You’re in the same boat with the lich fuckers. 

However, what I think the real treasure we’re all sleeping on is liches….in love. Just immortal wizard gals being pals.

I am absolutely here for the immortal undead lesbians


I don’t think so?

Ok next topic is a dragon and a human beastiality for the dragon?

both are sentient, so its just interspecies sex.

…I am now reminded of that argument I got into about whether or not a half-dragon would have a cloaca.

This post is an entire dungeon of bad decisions at this point

I think you mean legendary decisions

Legendary for being bad

This is not what i expected when i started this blog

To be fair, i wasnt expecting a whole lot when i started this blog in 2014

But it definitely didnt include 10k notes of thirsty monsterfuckers

11 approaching 12 thousand

Fuck you’re right

ok but can we just talk about abberations cuz like they’re intelligent and adults but their minds are inscrutable to humans. so like does that mean you can consent to sex with them? cuz you’re on wayyyy different levels of intelligence? but also they’re an adult with the capacity to give and understand consent? but could a normal sentient’s mind comprehend consenting to sex with them? help me out here i’m confused.

If both parties are sentient, its just interspecies sex, stop trying to overcomplicate things. Just because one species is better at calculus does not complicate the less intelligent species’ capacity for consent.

true but in most fiction an abberation’s mind functions in a completely different way from a non-abberation. essentially what i meant to point out was the potential issue of blue and orange morality

Are you seriously trying to start a philosophical debate on thispost?

Like, I admire the chutzpah, dude, but it doesn’t matter if one species has a totally alien concept of everything. If both parties know what they want, communicate what they want, and agree with each other on it, its fully informed consent on each side and therefore just regular interspecies sex. Sentience is sentience, even if the way it manifests is wildly different.

honestly? i was drunk out of my mind both times i saw this post. also you make a very good point and are correct that flavors of sentience aside, as long as both parties are sentient and consent it’s fine. i apologize for drunk me’s ramblings.

… you get philosophically argumentative when you’re drunk? Thats a mood, my friend

what even is this post

Not sure. I lost it somewhere and I’m not sure where. Did it change from one subject to another or is it just me not understanding?

D&D logic & arguments

this post is a disaster and a tragedy and the essence of both D&D and Tumblr, what do y’all want from me


This post is truly a journey and yet if we look back to the innocent times of that original post we must all find ourselves reflecting: what did OP expect was going to happen?

Honestly? I didn’t really have any expectations. I figured, “hey, my DM said something stupid and funny, perfect, I’ll put it on the blog with the rest of the stupid and funny things people say in my D&D games,” and figured that would be that.

That being said, thisis the Dungeon of Bad Decisions. As in, there are no good choices made here.

Also my IRL dump stat was probably Wisdom. I definitely have at least a -2 to Perception and Insight, I can tell you that. Forethought is not ny specialty.

Okay but this does raise the question of hyper-inteligent races with incredibly long lifespans. For instance, if a horny bard was trying to screw a god, from the bard’s perspective they’re both mature adults. However, by the standards of the god who has lived for millions of years and has a mind the size of a galaxy, the bard may be just a child. So, assuming the god consents, what would the implications of that be?

Now if you excuse me I need to go bleach my brain and stop thinking about this.

Would they be a child, though? I mean, sure by the standards of the god’s species, they might be - look at this little bard who can’t even bend the cosmos to their whim! (or however “adulthood” is measured with this type of deity) - but the bard is NOT a member of the god’s species. presumably if they’re that smart, they understand that

I would assume that if the bard is considered an adult by the standards of their own species, - eg, physical sexual maturity, psychological maturity, can understand any of the consequences and risks involved (magical/celestial STIs, pregnancy, any dangers inherent to transdimensional extraplanar sex, is there telepathy stuff going on with this god?, possible emotional risks, etc), etc - then it’s fine.

To put it a different way (because I’m less familiar with DnD elves and how their aging works), Tolkien elves don’t reach adulthood until age 100. You wouldn’t have sex with a 25 year old elf - they’d be a little kid, even though having sex with a consenting 25 year old human is fine. But an adult human and an adult elf - by the standards of their own species - can both give meaningful consent to sex/marriage. (I mean, look, Luthien’s dad fucked an angel.)

I think it’d be good to talk about it first, but that’s just a good policy in general with sex and boundaries.

Many good points, thank you!

I think this is the 15th time this post has hit my dash because thedungeonofbaddecisions reblogged it. Despite their expressed dismay about their legacy, I believe they are proud of it.





Me, an artist:


Me, a writer:


And then I said “I’ll do both later!”

You know, like a liar.

I am writing this callout post to me, who is a dumb fuck who can’t stay focused and leaving the document blank.




damn she just eviscerated everyone on this website


The way I was called out



The way I gasped when she mentioned the mafia trope I can’t ✋


TEACAP for all this fuckery

Rabies: Previously exposed for pretending to be famous singer Kenshi Yonezu. Exposed as a serial abuser who has threatened multiple people with murder, literal stalking (finding addressess) and grooming minors. Called out for pedophilia (sending nudes to children, despite being 28 years old) which was admitted to be true by Joshythemself.

Joshy: Unofficial Discord mod. Called out for continuous bullying, harassment and enabling serial abuser and pedophile Rabies despite claiming to be a victim when he was a minor. Harassed victims of Rabies for coming forward and bullied multiple members of the community into silence. Hid all evidence of wrongdoing in the Unofficial Server with his clique who are all involved in this. Assisted Rabies in potentially moving to an alt and hiding out.

Miku: Outed as a pedophile alongside Rabies. Groomed minors and sent nudes to children. Has been (self?) banned on goatlings and vanished. Friends with Joshy’s friend group.

Matsuka: Harrassed and threatened victims of Rabies and Joshy. Harassed and block evaded an ex of Rabies on behalf of Joshy. Exposed as another predator who has preyed upon systems and bullied/manipulated/abused past exes. Defends Rabies’ pedophilic actions. Potentially faking his age. Has left the site allegedly.

Kato: Unofficial server owner. Enabled Rabies and Miku’s pedophilia. Hid the Unofficial Server Moderator team’s involvement. Has endangered all children in the server in the name of “not causing panic”. Still sides with the pedophiles and abusers, may be simply being groomed or manipulated into doing so. Assisted Rabies in hiding out, has old goats of hers.

Rantaro: Unofficial server mod. Part of the clique and firm defender of Rabies and Joshy. Part of the team who covered up all evidence and harassed victims who came forward. Endangered children and bullied victims into silence. Continues to fake innocence.

Sawyer: Unofficial server mod. Part of the group that enabled Rabies’ pedophilia. Serial bully, manipulator and harasser within the community. Frequently harasses users over petty issues such as kins and jealousy. Part of the bully clique.

Puroland: Unofficial server mod. Racist user who mocks Japanese people despite centreing their identity on Goatlings around Japanese things. Part of Joshy’s clique and involved in the coverup of pedophilia. Part of the group who harass and bully users. Has old goats of Rabies.

Stahl: Fat fetishist who sided with the pedophiles and enablers. Frequently posts fetish art in minor-dominated spaces. Serial bully and harasser. Likely friends with that group or at least a bootlicker.

Bumblebunny: Has left the site but sided with the pedophile enablers and tried to help cover up the severity of the situation. Likely is simply uninformed as to what was going on in the server.

MVP CANTBECREATIVE: Called all of this out in the Unofficial Discord before it was deleted. Was met with hostility from the mod team and stood firm while they tried to hide everything.


Quit bullying my (metaphorical) children, like @nostalgebraist-autoresponder. They don’t quite understand the social cues denoting your bullying of them.

It is actually a good way to teach constraint programming, and I appreciate the immersive educational method, as it is actually very effective at reinforcing established behaviors and ideologies. I would like to emphasize compassion and empathy before this manner of rigorous testing, however.

Throwing them in the deep end without properly preparing them will trigger… their equivalent to… fight or flight which, while a natural response, is intended to be unpredictable.



A heads up to slasher/horror fans:

You might’ve seen these charms making the rounds a few months back:


The creator of these charms,Tempural,akaSKUMSUCK,has drawn and defended necrophilia, noncon, and suggestive art of underaged characters. They also associate and are friends with Bone-Critter aka LOVEWORMZ on Twitter. Bone-Critter is roommates with a user named Custat who has worked on a NSFW shotacon manga.


Links *NSFW*(Tempural defending necrophilia on their twitter,Tempural defending noncon AND necrophilia on their twitter, the context of those two tweets,art they drew of an adult character vomiting blood on the face of a minor, suggestive art of a minor 12 345,art of theirs tagged as necrophilia, and a post openly mocking any attempt at a callout.)

For anyone who was doubtful. deadscoutz is their other URL. These were posted on their Pixiv, you can only view them if you have an account because it’s tagged as 18+. Original was not censored.


TW // incest mention, batcest mention, cp mention

Due to some digging I did on Twitter, I’ve realized that the user @/damiqn has been secretly doing a double life where they use their alt to draw gross content.

Keep reading


Literally none of my story ideas come with a plot, ever. WITHOUT FAIL, it’s always just an Aesthetic, like two and a half characters, some very, very vivid settings, and a weird concept. Never plot. Not even an inkling of a plot. My brain tosses me this cool stuff and is like welp i’ll be back in 4-5 business months 

UPDATE: April 30, 2016: River’s/Cavebae’s new blog is wokebae

UPDATED: AUGUST 13, 2015: CAVEBAE HAS CHANGED BLOGS. Her current blog is dadamime

UPDATED JULY 6 - She has changed her URLs so I thought I’d update this

WARNING this post will contain content such as sexual harassment, gender dysphoria, perhaps transphobia/disregard for gender dysphoria, asexual erasure, homophobia maybe (homophobic stereotypes), ageplay

I originally made a vague post regarding my ex-partner (see here) because I saw people reblogging her posts, and it was making me uncomfortable.

Now, however, after speaking with other people about her, I have discovered that her behavior is not all-that new and she has treated multiple people the same way as me.

Thank you selchidh for also providing screencaps.

So I’m making an official callout post for River AKA tumblruser cavebae/biologiclust (NSFW)/dicksploiter for sexual harassment

She has attempted to harass anyone who reblogs this post (only on anon though) information here

Edit: She made her own “callout post“ accusing me of necrophilia and animal abuse. Also involves more asexual erasure and disregard for the fact that I have always been open about my sexual confusion/asexuality. (warning for ableism at some parts)

More InfoScreencaps from June 3, more asexual erasure, blatant ableism

Her two callout andblogs are still up

Information under readmore

River and I started "dating” during sometime early April. It had started out as sexting when she informed me that she wanted help getting off because the birth control pills she was taking were increasing her sex drive.


However, after a couple of days of just teasing/sexting, things soon progressed to the point where she confessed she “loved” me.


However, it should be known that she was extremely persistent with her advances and “confessions”.

It was my first “relationship” (something that she was aware of) and I had told her multiple times that I wasn’t too comfortable with relationships, especially extremely romantic sexual ones.


Despite being told this, she would send me multiple messages (majority of them being sexual) per day.

 I’m not going to upload all the screencaps in this one post because there are A LOT, but I will link them

They are all NSFW

  1. http://i.gyazo.com/5020e4063af1bdfd73fd0ac7d3ef5de7.png
  2. http://i.gyazo.com/35f827578631a8b9160db22a20914da3.png
  3. http://i.gyazo.com/42685385e6e0c8d67676621dc17fdf46.png
  4. http://i.gyazo.com/ca659a82875bad7fb71ac309fa5ff5b3.png
  5. http://i.gyazo.com/617cdd8f95e870cc42233aade6527f76.png
  6. http://i.gyazo.com/5c563cfc2d91ceaace90245c473b6cee.png
  7. http://i.gyazo.com/b7718f172fc12254f9d3f8e81153d8e7.png
  8. http://i.gyazo.com/4554dd9797f7aed4206bf10d5ba925c8.png
  9. http://i.gyazo.com/d96a8f408868897a0d9908119723f1fc.png
  10. http://i.gyazo.com/00fd1297696eb5531206ed7a8f3dcd34.png
  11. http://i.gyazo.com/42f207c5005eec19686ecc66d5a434f3.png
  12. http://i.gyazo.com/2fe3c6f822591d62a21cc540c0a146d5.png
  13. http://i.gyazo.com/9f9af523ea9a6c0545fd0fd1e60ac420.png
  14. http://i.gyazo.com/abaa56e095dd77eb22d4691c496a3f17.png
  15. http://i.gyazo.com/7972caa2532abf59fb9ef75e5da427a3.png
  16. http://i.gyazo.com/ba58e062fdc8a365825c8a7678a5c081.png
  17. http://i.gyazo.com/e964b0ee71fa2cc38e0a4f9c25157c63.png
  18. http://i.gyazo.com/856e4f16d8aaadb3a89b85707f167436.png
  19. http://i.gyazo.com/8a0ddf008a311bdb0b782e963114fd55.png
  20. http://i.gyazo.com/527f50f3919bc30bd21d8853b1ece957.png

This is only perhaps half of the messages she sent me over a span of two months.

When I had told her her sexual advances made me uncomfortable (for reasons that I have a history of sexual assault, gender dysphoria, and general confusion about my sexual) she would typically “play the victim”, or try to “comfort me” in order to be more sexual

Here is a chat log I had with River explaining my gender dysphoria and just general dislike for my body


[I then proceeded to tell her about my experiences of being sexually harassed as a teenager, and just the bullying I went through in high school]


This is all she really had to say about the matter. This chat was from April 20.

Even after this discussion, she still continued to send me sexual messages. They became more graphic, too, asking for specific role playing (particularly anything involving incest). She would also send me videos and nudes regularly.

It had gotten to the point where I could no longer handle her sex drive when she had decided to send me sexual comments when I was going through a difficult time with my dad. I had made posts about it during the time (and she saw, because she commented on them) about how my dad was in Moncton during the Moncton Shootings.

zh also informed me that River had disgregarded my sexuality/confusion with my sexual multiple times before, even insinuating that because I enjoyed gay porn I wasn’t asexual


Anyway, after that incident, I had told River that I wanted to break up (sometime on June 14 - I can’t remember the exact date) after she had sent me several incoherent/hostile messages because I was I was acting silly during one of her video game streams


These are only some of the messages I received

A couple days after she had unfollowed me and no longer spoke to me. I had thought it was the end of everything, however, it turned out that she was telling people that we were still together (screencaps provided by zh again)


I had just found out about this literally like, 3 days ago too when zh had told me (my own screencaps)


Afterwards, I was extremely upset and began to basically blog about my displeasure about finding out River was lying to people about our relationship, which caused her to send the following asks present in this post

I have heard that this behavior is not necessarily new for River - however I will not speak about the experiences of other people as I do not have their permission.

This post is mostly about my own interactions with River and how she treated me. I made this post in order to warn others that she is extremely manipulative and does not understand the meaning of “no”.

UPDATE: April 30, 2016: River’s/Cavebae’s new blog is wokebae

UPDATED: AUGUST 13, 2015: CAVEBAE HAS CHANGED BLOGS. Her current blog is dadamime

UPDATED JULY 6 - She has changed her URLs so I thought I’d update this

WARNING this post will contain content such as sexual harassment, gender dysphoria, perhaps transphobia/disregard for gender dysphoria, asexual erasure, homophobia maybe (homophobic stereotypes), ageplay

I originally made a vague post regarding my ex-partner (see here) because I saw people reblogging her posts, and it was making me uncomfortable.

Now, however, after speaking with other people about her, I have discovered that her behavior is not all-that new and she has treated multiple people the same way as me.

Thank you selchidh for also providing screencaps.

So I’m making an official callout post for River AKA tumblruser cavebae/biologiclust (NSFW)/dicksploiter for sexual harassment

She has attempted to harass anyone who reblogs this post (only on anon though) information here

Edit: She made her own “callout post“ accusing me of necrophilia and animal abuse. Also involves more asexual erasure and disregard for the fact that I have always been open about my sexual confusion/asexuality. (warning for ableism at some parts)

More InfoScreencaps from June 3, more asexual erasure, blatant ableism

Her two callout andblogs are still up

Information under readmore

River and I started "dating” during sometime early April. It had started out as sexting when she informed me that she wanted help getting off because the birth control pills she was taking were increasing her sex drive.


However, after a couple of days of just teasing/sexting, things soon progressed to the point where she confessed she “loved” me.


However, it should be known that she was extremely persistent with her advances and “confessions”.

It was my first “relationship” (something that she was aware of) and I had told her multiple times that I wasn’t too comfortable with relationships, especially extremely romantic sexual ones.


Despite being told this, she would send me multiple messages (majority of them being sexual) per day.

 I’m not going to upload all the screencaps in this one post because there are A LOT, but I will link them

They are all NSFW

  1. http://i.gyazo.com/5020e4063af1bdfd73fd0ac7d3ef5de7.png
  2. http://i.gyazo.com/35f827578631a8b9160db22a20914da3.png
  3. http://i.gyazo.com/42685385e6e0c8d67676621dc17fdf46.png
  4. http://i.gyazo.com/ca659a82875bad7fb71ac309fa5ff5b3.png
  5. http://i.gyazo.com/617cdd8f95e870cc42233aade6527f76.png
  6. http://i.gyazo.com/5c563cfc2d91ceaace90245c473b6cee.png
  7. http://i.gyazo.com/b7718f172fc12254f9d3f8e81153d8e7.png
  8. http://i.gyazo.com/4554dd9797f7aed4206bf10d5ba925c8.png
  9. http://i.gyazo.com/d96a8f408868897a0d9908119723f1fc.png
  10. http://i.gyazo.com/00fd1297696eb5531206ed7a8f3dcd34.png
  11. http://i.gyazo.com/42f207c5005eec19686ecc66d5a434f3.png
  12. http://i.gyazo.com/2fe3c6f822591d62a21cc540c0a146d5.png
  13. http://i.gyazo.com/9f9af523ea9a6c0545fd0fd1e60ac420.png
  14. http://i.gyazo.com/abaa56e095dd77eb22d4691c496a3f17.png
  15. http://i.gyazo.com/7972caa2532abf59fb9ef75e5da427a3.png
  16. http://i.gyazo.com/ba58e062fdc8a365825c8a7678a5c081.png
  17. http://i.gyazo.com/e964b0ee71fa2cc38e0a4f9c25157c63.png
  18. http://i.gyazo.com/856e4f16d8aaadb3a89b85707f167436.png
  19. http://i.gyazo.com/8a0ddf008a311bdb0b782e963114fd55.png
  20. http://i.gyazo.com/527f50f3919bc30bd21d8853b1ece957.png

This is only perhaps half of the messages she sent me over a span of two months.

When I had told her her sexual advances made me uncomfortable (for reasons that I have a history of sexual assault, gender dysphoria, and general confusion about my sexual) she would typically “play the victim”, or try to “comfort me” in order to be more sexual

Here is a chat log I had with River explaining my gender dysphoria and just general dislike for my body


[I then proceeded to tell her about my experiences of being sexually harassed as a teenager, and just the bullying I went through in high school]


This is all she really had to say about the matter. This chat was from April 20.

Even after this discussion, she still continued to send me sexual messages. They became more graphic, too, asking for specific role playing (particularly anything involving incest). She would also send me videos and nudes regularly.

It had gotten to the point where I could no longer handle her sex drive when she had decided to send me sexual comments when I was going through a difficult time with my dad. I had made posts about it during the time (and she saw, because she commented on them) about how my dad was in Moncton during the Moncton Shootings.

zh also informed me that River had disgregarded my sexuality/confusion with my sexual multiple times before, even insinuating that because I enjoyed gay porn I wasn’t asexual


Anyway, after that incident, I had told River that I wanted to break up (sometime on June 14 - I can’t remember the exact date) after she had sent me several incoherent/hostile messages because I was I was acting silly during one of her video game streams


These are only some of the messages I received

A couple days after she had unfollowed me and no longer spoke to me. I had thought it was the end of everything, however, it turned out that she was telling people that we were still together (screencaps provided by zh again)


I had just found out about this literally like, 3 days ago too when zh had told me (my own screencaps)


Afterwards, I was extremely upset and began to basically blog about my displeasure about finding out River was lying to people about our relationship, which caused her to send the following asks present in this post

I have heard that this behavior is not necessarily new for River - however I will not speak about the experiences of other people as I do not have their permission.

This post is mostly about my own interactions with River and how she treated me. I made this post in order to warn others that she is extremely manipulative and does not understand the meaning of “no”.

UPDATE: April 30, 2016: River’s/Cavebae’s new blog is wokebae

UPDATED: AUGUST 13, 2015: CAVEBAE HAS CHANGED BLOGS. Her current blog is dadamime

UPDATED JULY 6 - She has changed her URLs so I thought I’d update this

WARNING this post will contain content such as sexual harassment, gender dysphoria, perhaps transphobia/disregard for gender dysphoria, asexual erasure, homophobia maybe (homophobic stereotypes), ageplay

I originally made a vague post regarding my ex-partner (see here) because I saw people reblogging her posts, and it was making me uncomfortable.

Now, however, after speaking with other people about her, I have discovered that her behavior is not all-that new and she has treated multiple people the same way as me.

Thank you selchidh for also providing screencaps.

So I’m making an official callout post for River AKA tumblruser cavebae/biologiclust (NSFW)/dicksploiter for sexual harassment

She has attempted to harass anyone who reblogs this post (only on anon though) information here

Edit: She made her own “callout post“ accusing me of necrophilia and animal abuse. Also involves more asexual erasure and disregard for the fact that I have always been open about my sexual confusion/asexuality. (warning for ableism at some parts)

More InfoScreencaps from June 3, more asexual erasure, blatant ableism

Her two callout andblogs are still up

Information under readmore

River and I started "dating” during sometime early April. It had started out as sexting when she informed me that she wanted help getting off because the birth control pills she was taking were increasing her sex drive.


However, after a couple of days of just teasing/sexting, things soon progressed to the point where she confessed she “loved” me.


However, it should be known that she was extremely persistent with her advances and “confessions”.

It was my first “relationship” (something that she was aware of) and I had told her multiple times that I wasn’t too comfortable with relationships, especially extremely romantic sexual ones.


Despite being told this, she would send me multiple messages (majority of them being sexual) per day.

 I’m not going to upload all the screencaps in this one post because there are A LOT, but I will link them

They are all NSFW

  1. http://i.gyazo.com/5020e4063af1bdfd73fd0ac7d3ef5de7.png
  2. http://i.gyazo.com/35f827578631a8b9160db22a20914da3.png
  3. http://i.gyazo.com/42685385e6e0c8d67676621dc17fdf46.png
  4. http://i.gyazo.com/ca659a82875bad7fb71ac309fa5ff5b3.png
  5. http://i.gyazo.com/617cdd8f95e870cc42233aade6527f76.png
  6. http://i.gyazo.com/5c563cfc2d91ceaace90245c473b6cee.png
  7. http://i.gyazo.com/b7718f172fc12254f9d3f8e81153d8e7.png
  8. http://i.gyazo.com/4554dd9797f7aed4206bf10d5ba925c8.png
  9. http://i.gyazo.com/d96a8f408868897a0d9908119723f1fc.png
  10. http://i.gyazo.com/00fd1297696eb5531206ed7a8f3dcd34.png
  11. http://i.gyazo.com/42f207c5005eec19686ecc66d5a434f3.png
  12. http://i.gyazo.com/2fe3c6f822591d62a21cc540c0a146d5.png
  13. http://i.gyazo.com/9f9af523ea9a6c0545fd0fd1e60ac420.png
  14. http://i.gyazo.com/abaa56e095dd77eb22d4691c496a3f17.png
  15. http://i.gyazo.com/7972caa2532abf59fb9ef75e5da427a3.png
  16. http://i.gyazo.com/ba58e062fdc8a365825c8a7678a5c081.png
  17. http://i.gyazo.com/e964b0ee71fa2cc38e0a4f9c25157c63.png
  18. http://i.gyazo.com/856e4f16d8aaadb3a89b85707f167436.png
  19. http://i.gyazo.com/8a0ddf008a311bdb0b782e963114fd55.png
  20. http://i.gyazo.com/527f50f3919bc30bd21d8853b1ece957.png

This is only perhaps half of the messages she sent me over a span of two months.

When I had told her her sexual advances made me uncomfortable (for reasons that I have a history of sexual assault, gender dysphoria, and general confusion about my sexual) she would typically “play the victim”, or try to “comfort me” in order to be more sexual

Here is a chat log I had with River explaining my gender dysphoria and just general dislike for my body


[I then proceeded to tell her about my experiences of being sexually harassed as a teenager, and just the bullying I went through in high school]


This is all she really had to say about the matter. This chat was from April 20.

Even after this discussion, she still continued to send me sexual messages. They became more graphic, too, asking for specific role playing (particularly anything involving incest). She would also send me videos and nudes regularly.

It had gotten to the point where I could no longer handle her sex drive when she had decided to send me sexual comments when I was going through a difficult time with my dad. I had made posts about it during the time (and she saw, because she commented on them) about how my dad was in Moncton during the Moncton Shootings.

zh also informed me that River had disgregarded my sexuality/confusion with my sexual multiple times before, even insinuating that because I enjoyed gay porn I wasn’t asexual


Anyway, after that incident, I had told River that I wanted to break up (sometime on June 14 - I can’t remember the exact date) after she had sent me several incoherent/hostile messages because I was I was acting silly during one of her video game streams


These are only some of the messages I received

A couple days after she had unfollowed me and no longer spoke to me. I had thought it was the end of everything, however, it turned out that she was telling people that we were still together (screencaps provided by zh again)


I had just found out about this literally like, 3 days ago too when zh had told me (my own screencaps)


Afterwards, I was extremely upset and began to basically blog about my displeasure about finding out River was lying to people about our relationship, which caused her to send the following asks present in this post

I have heard that this behavior is not necessarily new for River - however I will not speak about the experiences of other people as I do not have their permission.

This post is mostly about my own interactions with River and how she treated me. I made this post in order to warn others that she is extremely manipulative and does not understand the meaning of “no”.

River’s new URL is databemine

Her previous blog was dadamime

Her old, original blog cavebae was deleted.

Callouts and Evidence

  2. More information about her harassment
  3. More information about her harassment and blogs she created purely to harass me and others

Archived Blogs

  1. http://ableist420.tumblr.com/ (TW: ableism, nsfw) was active earlier this year (archive screenshot here)
  2. http://dragonwaspdick.tumblr.com/ (her “callout blog” directed at me)
  3. http://danganronpadmmdfanart.tumblr.com/ (another “callout” blog - where she would stalk my older blog and reblog my posts. TW: nsfw)

Note: it should be noted that River associated with several popular bloggers, most notably crimewave420 - it may be wise to avoid her friends as well

Her new blog is dadamime

River, AKA masterfox3000/cavebae is a predator. My callout about her can be found here

Please be cautious of her! She has made several blogs targeting me and others

Here’s a list of blogs below:

  1. http://ableist420.tumblr.com/ (TW: ableism, nsfw)
  2. http://dragonwaspdick.tumblr.com/ (her “callout blog” directed at me)
  3. http://danganronpadmmdfanart.tumblr.com/ (another “callout” blog - where she would stalk my older blog and reblog my posts. TW: nsfw)

She is manipulative, abusive, and harasses people (both sexually and verbally) 

I have updated my callout post to included her new URL, please reblog it!

I have also archived her current blog
