#please repost


Please repost my wife

 I am reblogging this again because I REALLY need people from something other than Southern states to answer this (by Southern I mean like Civil War Southern states). Close to 90% of my respondents so far have been from Southern states and I feel this may end up scewing things.

To answer some of the questions I have gotten:

1. Race: If you identify as something other that White/Black check other and add your race. There was no way I was even going to be able to come up with every possible option here.

2. Trips - I don’t care when you went. You can answer this for one trip in specific or about multiple trips. I realize that people have probably visited more than one place and at different times. Just pick something and go with it.

3. Honestly, while this is focused on US Heritage Tourism I am open to how other countries do it. If you would like to message me to talk about that or send me and email you can use my university email at [email protected].


I am doing my sociology project on Heritage Tourism (visiting places like plantations, battlefields, and monuments as part of remembering history) and would really appreciate it those of you who have visited any of these kind of places would fill out my survey for me.

All answers are anonymous and despite being set up on Google forms I have set things up where you DO NOT need a Gmail account to participate. This should only take a couple of minutes.

Thank you!

P.S. I would also appreciate it if this could be reblogged where I can reach as many people as possible. 
