

Hi guys! It’s CHOBIxPHO here! Today, I’d like to share a quick personal message, something outside of my usual dirty posts, haha.

If any of you guys out there suffering from depression or with any difficulties coping with life like me, I really hope that my work inspires you and makes you guys feel a bit better, if not, a LOTbetter!

Always remember to carve out a bit of time each day to take care of yourself! (Be it a light treat or exercise!) As someone who constantly feels on edge, it makes all of your support that much more meaningful to me! (Especially my awesome patrons who are kind enough to support someone like me! :D ❤) You guys are so kind and amazing - You deserve it and so much more! Thanks again to everyone watching me today and I hope everyone remembers to take care of themselves and to have a merry weekend!

~ That’s all from me! Have a great weekend everyone! ❤
