#pls let my hubby live his best life


Top 10 titties I would suck

1) Muriel’s Mommy Milkers

2) Julian’s

3) Lucio’s itty bitty titty

Thank you, have a nice day.

Julian Devorak canonically does not know how to function, has a flare for the dramatic, and has a self-image issues. I really said: fuck everything else I love him.

Happy Pride month to all, especially Julian Devorak.

Muriel is just so soft and huggable and I know he could kill me but he would never and I just want to kiss his forehead and tell him everything is gonna be okay.

How does that pasty ass mf think he can be a pirate? He’ll burn to death.

I just want to hold Julian close under the night sky, with the smell of the sea in the air, and gaze into each others eyes while he says something stupid to make me laugh.

Julian in leather pants, Doc Martin’s, and a fishnet shirt. That’s all folks.

Saw this add today. I don’t know who is making them, but they are iconic.

When we think of the familiars we think of Inanna or Faust who has loyalty beyond reason, sticks to the side of their human and offers comfort to them. We never think of Malak, who keeps Julian from death and in his own way leads him to safety. Faust and Inanna lead Muriel and Asra too the places they need to go, but Malak leads Julian from the places he shouldn’t go and helps his human mark up the boxes on their adventure. He’s a very good bird and I love the dumbass.

Juliana ass is all like ()() but then you’ve got Muriel’s ass and it’s all ( )( ). All I’m saying is that Muriel is very caked up, Julian is not, but they are both very good characters and I love both of them.

Julian is so tall, and I am very short. All I’m saying is that hugs would be very nice.

All Im saying is Julian in leather pants would be a site to behold.

I really can’t pinpoint exactly what I adore about Julian, I think the reason I picked him was because he was so familiar to me. Even if the world is going his way he has doubts himself and in the end those insecurities are what ruin him. In his perception though, he doesn’t see it that way. He sees himself as unwanted, unlovable and evil when really he’s just scared of himself, the world around him, and an impending future he doesn’t understand.

Malak is so sweet, following Julian and MC wherever they go, making sure they’re safe. He is the sweetest boy and he deserves much more credit then we give him.

Look at Julian being the handsomest, most dramatic man in the world and I love him. I would like to hug him so bad.
