#the arcane muriel


Braiding Muriel’s hair out of his face while he lays his head on your thighs like pillows, and shuts his eyes to take in the peaceful little moments you share together.

I would very much like to use Muriel’s thighs as pillows while I read.

I bet Inanna walks through and around MCs legs when they first get up because she’s desperate for pets and wanting affection, and I’m sure she’s tripped MC and Muriel more then once.

Juliana ass is all like ()() but then you’ve got Muriel’s ass and it’s all ( )( ). All I’m saying is that Muriel is very caked up, Julian is not, but they are both very good characters and I love both of them.

If Muriel had the capability to look at my posts, I think he would dig himself a very large, deep hole and never come out again. So for that, I apologize.

Why are Muriel’s titties built like that, for real he’s so ( ° )( ° ) like okay we get it you have mommy milkers and you’re distracting me from my mission, sir.

Muriel could convince me to do literally anything in that calm deep voice that I concocted in my head, and I would follow him blindly.

I would love to just,, compare my hands with Muriel’s. To stand on the tips of my toes in a silly attempt to match his height even though I’m too short and he’s too tall.
