#plural rep



This is something I haven’t seen mentioned yet regarding Moon Knight, but is something I feel may be important enough to make a post about. See, Moon Knight is a show about a character who has DID, and so far according to many systems it’s done an okay job of representing the disorder. Hooray, more representation! This may lead to less stigmatization of this often misunderstood disorder. However… That’s not the only thing that may result from this new show being out.

Please remember that with representation of a disorder often comes an uptick in diagnoses of the disorder. We may very well be seeing more people learning they have DID in the future thanks to increased awareness of what it’s like! This has happened before in our community with media such as with Sybil, and we-I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened again. With Moon Knight’s representation of DID, especially from a large and widely beloved franchise such as Marvel, it’s likely that DID as a whole will become more well known in a more positive light, leading to more psychiatrists and psychologists willing to diagnose their patients with it, as well as more people who may come to learn that they might have DID (and not to mention people who might have been previously diagnosed with DID who come out about having it due to positive representation making it safer for them to do so).

Please do not be surprised if more people come forward about having DID following the release and continuation of Moon Knight. Despite what might be your gut instinct, they’re likely not “claiming to have it as part of a fad due to the show,” but rather, were only recently diagnosed or felt safe enough to come out due to Moon Knight’s influence. And that’s a good thing! More people will be able to learn important things about themselves or share important things with those they care about.

In conclusion, Moon Knight’s DID representation may lead to more people being diagnosed with and/or coming forward about having DID. Remember to be kind to those new in our communities, and don’t fakeclaim other systems!

And plurality in general, the plural rep could also lead to non-DID systems realising they are systems and/or disclosing plurality
