#plz help


I know imma bug you all with it, but here is my Patreon. It got exclusive content ? https://www.patreon.com/HudgiNy


please link this post somewhere where people can see the original :-)

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blush—are you single, taken, crushing, or not interested? or is it complicated?

ballet slipper— with only one word, describe how you feel at this moment

rose quartz—what’s your love language (romantic or platonic)?

watermelon—have you ever had to reject anyone romantically? how did it go?

fuchsia—describe your personality in three words!

rose—do you believe in soulmates? why or why not?

coral—what’s something you’re passionate about?

carnation— how important are “looks” to you in a relationship?

blossom—would you get a tattoo? if so, what would it be of?

salmon—would you prefer a partner who is an introvert or an extrovert? why?

pastel pink—do you prefer to dress up and go out or stay in and relax?

bubblegum— how do you feel about your love life right now? are you happy with it?

champagne—what’s your favorite form of physical affection, if any at all?

hibiscus—what’s your favorite pet name, if any? why?

hot pink—what’s your favorite relationship trope?

flamingo—would you say you’re clingy in relationships and friendships?

cherry pink—when it comes to loved ones, are you openly affectionate or are you more reserved?

peach syrup—have you ever had an internet crush on a mutual on this app or another app?

pink magnolia—would you say that you develop crushes quickly?

WISH she would date someone else so that i can listen to heather by conan gray and cry instead of having to ask her out

Growth is loving Legolas as a child and loving Boromir as a woman.

Aarogorn is there but he is just separate okay. We can’t do Arwen dirty like that alright


As someone who grew up with the og Saturday cartoon I will say I’m not the biggest fan of the Netflix Winx show.

Bloom is not a likeable character in fact I’d hazard at comparing her to Denethor but that’s just me. Whatever. There’s some other stuff that could be potentially problematic, but I binged all of season one so it’s safe to say I like it - as a separate piece of work.

I WILL FUCKING SAY THOUGH. The best fucking scene is watching Farah, Saul, and Ben commiserating over some agave juice and war stories and acknowledging that these fucking teens think they’re so sneaky when these beautiful old fucks were in fact the ones that broke those rules first.

The thing that makes this worth it is the profs.

Please, Netflix, if you’re gonna give us anything more - give us more of that

Any oneelse as gayforFarah as I am?

Like jesus fucking christ I want Saul Silva’s dick too, but fucking Farah, queen goddess, bad boss bitch can fucking wreckme

I thought I had washed my soul clean of Supernatural years ago. I can’t even remember the last time I thought about it. But I was a fool. All it took was seeing that Destiel is canon and in an instant I was a pathetic ball of tears on the ground.

So, im starting my hormonal transition process, so im REALLY nedding money to make it for myself. For this, im doing comissions on Fiverr.com (link: https://www.fiverr.com/share/KBbABb and https://www.fiverr.com/share/jd7DdG) and im making content on Ko-fi (link: https://ko-fi.com/victornephews85852);

please, all share is welcome, and if you can, please help me! Are cheaps works and all money is welcome :”))!! 

And my DM’s are open to comissions uwu!!

Hi everyone! I just open an INPRNT shop for selling my artwork. I put few of my artworks in my tiny

Hi everyone! I just open an INPRNT shop for selling my artwork. I put few of my artworks in my tiny little shop so far. More artwork will be available for sale in future. 

⭐️ https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/icoovo/⭐️

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