
This weekend is the Poison Path 101 Class Live on Zoom. Sign up via link in bio. This course is inte

This weekend is the Poison Path 101 Class Live on Zoom. Sign up via link in bio. This course is intended to provide a basic foundation for people interested in beginning their exploration of the Poison Path. Nothing screams witchcraft more than a seething brew of poisonous plants. They are mysterious, seductive and in many cases psychoactive, but also potentially deadly. So why work with poisonous plants at all?

In this one hour crash course, author and herbalist Coby Michael, will be explaining the what, why and how of the Poison Path. Attendees will learn all of the most frequently used terminology, which draws from various academic sources. The correct vocabulary will aid immensely in one’s own studies and students can expect to be able to define terms like; entheogen, phyto-gnosis, pharmacognosy, ethnobotany, and alkaloid. In addition to defining these key concepts we will look at how they come to play in the Poison Path.

One of the most fascinating things about the Poison Path is the plants! These are some of the most interesting, terrifying and magical plants you will ever meet, and we will be looking at some of the most infamous. Students will learn what the plant’s physical characteristics, how they have been used historically and what their effects are.

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Finally we will look at how this is all put into practice, and discuss some of the different options for working with poisonous plants, and where to get started. Students will be introduced to some of the basic preparations that can be made with these plants. We will also discuss the importance of safety and dispel some of the misconceptions surrounding this practice. Students will also be provided with a list of resources for further reading.

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