

Today was definitely all about the tomatoes … and it was so nice to finally get them into the Polycrub.

We’re growing over 40 tomato plants this year, so I was absolutely delighted to discover this method of supporting them. No more tomato cages …. and that’s a real money saver (made my husband very happy).

Anyway, just get a central wire and hang garden twine from it. One long piece of twine for each plant.

Place the end of the hanging twine, under your tomato plant as it goes into the grow bag. Then as your plant grows, simply wind it around the twine.

So simple and easy … I love it.

We also caught a glimpse of our first cucumber …

Does anyone else get excited, at seeing those little green shoots come up … I certainly do, it made my day …

Had a great day in the garden and managed to complete most of the jobs on my list. That never usually happens …

First job of the day was to feed and water the herbs in the greenhouse. They’ve been growing so well in there, and it’s been a real joy to cook with fresh homegrown ingredients again.

We have been battling aphids though … and in an attempt to avoid sprays, we’ve introduced some lacewing larvae. I’ve never tried this approach before, so I’m intrigued to see how well it works. Guess we’ll see… Has anyone else tried this ???

We spent the rest of the afternoon planting more cucumbers and strawberries, weeding (yuck) … and moving grow bags into the Polycrub, ready to transplant our tomatoes.

Busy … but happy, and back at it again tomorrow …
