#pony project

It’s My Little Monday!With…G3 The Pony Project 64 Colors Lucky!Another one from the charity aIt’s My Little Monday!With…G3 The Pony Project 64 Colors Lucky!Another one from the charity aIt’s My Little Monday!With…G3 The Pony Project 64 Colors Lucky!Another one from the charity aIt’s My Little Monday!With…G3 The Pony Project 64 Colors Lucky!Another one from the charity a

It’s My Little Monday!
With…G3 The Pony Project 64 Colors Lucky!
Another one from the charity art project, this giant pony is named either 64 Colors Lucky, or that’s who customized it and took the photo. Because information is scarce, that’s the only credit for this one so far. This one has the theme of wood. You can see painted on wood-grain, knot-areas and sprites or ghosts or something in the ‘gaps’. There are ‘roots’ on the face and a ghost girl or something on one of the front legs. They left the hair original/white wavy, but re-detailed out the eye to a quite realistic looking one. Notice the little acorn nut character on the forehead too.
Why the woodgrain is so pink (it’s reminiscent of flesh??) The face seems to be like a mask of some sort…notice the ‘rust’ running down it. The 2 left photos at the bottom show it in process at the studio…another unusual find. It would be very interesting to know the artist explanation or story for the chosen theme of this pony. It would also be nice to have better side-on photos to be able to see the whole thing and to know what the symbol is…
But, as is the usual with these: this one’s short on photos as well as info which is too bad.

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