

Further adventures from Poopwallow Studio:

The Ladies devoured their apple chop today, then screeched for more. The only two things they like more than apple are cole slaw (sans dressing) and carrot greens. When they get carrot greens, they full on frighten me. They devolve immediately.

Miss Tablespoon Splendid warbled from atop the printer once she was done feasting, and then half-assedly flew from there to my lap a couple of times. I think she was really just trying to dislodge Miss Wiglet, whom she DESPISES.

Wiggie was plopped right over my heart as usual, though, purring and creeping ever upward, until she’s wedged under my chin, violin-style.

Miss Valise is too massive to hop up on my lap, but she dino-yodels until I lift her up and snuggle with her. She gets JELLIS. She’s also an under the chin snuggler, but only her big ol’ head fits.

Four more days of studio chickens, then they’re headed back to the coop. Yesterday, it was six below zero, and I trekked out to the coop for grit and oyster shell, and with the ceramic heater (and sun coming through the window) it was 48 degrees in there, and that’s with no hot little chicken bodies. I guess they would have been okay out there, but they are enjoying their vacation at my all-inclusive resort, so it was worth it.

Also, Toad says hello.
