

Further adventures from Poopwallow Studio:

The Ladies devoured their apple chop today, then screeched for more. The only two things they like more than apple are cole slaw (sans dressing) and carrot greens. When they get carrot greens, they full on frighten me. They devolve immediately.

Miss Tablespoon Splendid warbled from atop the printer once she was done feasting, and then half-assedly flew from there to my lap a couple of times. I think she was really just trying to dislodge Miss Wiglet, whom she DESPISES.

Wiggie was plopped right over my heart as usual, though, purring and creeping ever upward, until she’s wedged under my chin, violin-style.

Miss Valise is too massive to hop up on my lap, but she dino-yodels until I lift her up and snuggle with her. She gets JELLIS. She’s also an under the chin snuggler, but only her big ol’ head fits.

Four more days of studio chickens, then they’re headed back to the coop. Yesterday, it was six below zero, and I trekked out to the coop for grit and oyster shell, and with the ceramic heater (and sun coming through the window) it was 48 degrees in there, and that’s with no hot little chicken bodies. I guess they would have been okay out there, but they are enjoying their vacation at my all-inclusive resort, so it was worth it.

Also, Toad says hello.

“No, I’m sorry madam, we have no chickens, but we do have some elegant, perfectly round ladies’ hats.

This one is lovely, perfect for church or the Ladies’ Auxiliary Luncheon, but it smells a bit… oh, comment dit-on… “poopish.” La poopoo, n’est-ce pas?”

Miss Swimsuit is receiving visitors.

Please pass any worms through the screen. Thank you.

achickenmaniac: achickenmaniac: Big I see this post got lot ot notes and many of you are spreading w




I see this post got lot ot notes and many of you are spreading wrong information about his breed and asking questions so here are some answers:

1. This breed is not brahma but cochin. It is lesser known than brahma but about the same size than brahma.

2. Huutis is bigger than average for his age (he is still growing), so watch out bois

3. And yea his name is Huutis which is word play in my language and means something like “yell'er” or “screamer”.

4. No this is not photoshopped or a trick of the camera. You can see the smaller chickens there. This is real. This is him when he is.. not flapping his wings.

5. Idk where he got his pants he won’t tell me I don’t speak chicken

6. Yes this is a totem pokemon but it was supposed to be secret. I guess the secret is out now then. He is also the mega-boss of everything. And a god.

(7. He is actually a really gentle boy. Never has he tried to intimidate me or any other humans. Takes good care of the flock. Good boy.)

Can confirm: I had a cochin like this. They are B I G   B O Y S. They are also very gentle, and sweet. Please observe Trousers, our cochin boy. He was very good.

Trousers and two large fowl Faverolles hens (Coho in middle, ‘Relly on the right)

He was enormous enough to be a house for the other (still large) chickens. Coho the Salmon Faverolles snuggles under him in this photo. He would just calmly let them do anything. He was Very GOOD

He was still young in this photo but BIG

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nambroth:“Willow and Mildred”, a fun painting of two of my hens. Willow (the gold colored hen) loves


“Willow and Mildred”, a fun painting of two of my hens. Willow (the gold colored hen) loves Mildred very much. She constantly snuggles up to her, near her, under her…. Mildred is very patient with all of this.
Acrylic on board, 8" x 10"

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DAY OLD COCHIN MIX CHICKGallus gallus domesticus©teenytinydinosaurfarmBabies!

Gallus gallus domesticus



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