#poor baby lamb



I wanted to write a warm up hug last night, and instead ended up writing this till 4 am. It’s set during Dick’s Batman run, somewhere before Bruce get’s back and after Talia and Damian’s falling out. 

There’s some sad, and some cuddles. I hope you enjoy it 

Words: 3,563

Rating: Gen

Characters: Damian and Dick

AO3 Link


It was Mother’s birthday.

It was well past noon when Damian realized it, carrying his sketchbook from his room to the elevator so he could work on the roof in the fresh air, looking out on the city. Richard was talking on the phone with someone, laughing at them that they had forgotten the day’s date.

“How could you forget?” he’d chuckled, “You’ve had it on your calendar forever.”

His grip on the pencil was so tight he heard it creak with menace. Even directed at a mystery person, the words were like daggers to Damian’s chest. It was Mother’s birthday and he had forgotten. He had allowed the date to slip to the back of his mind and disappear as if his whole life with her had been nothing but nightmares that pounced at night, threatening to drown him.

It had not been all that bad. It had not. Damian had good memories of that time. Like Mother’s birthday. It had been celebrated differently than Damian’s. She did not have a shadow for a father she battled to meet year to year.

No, she was daughter of the Demon’s Head, and her birth was celebrated as such. It was a day Damian was released from lessons early. A day he was allowed to spend close to her side, enjoying foods and most of all her presence.

Damian wondered who would sit by her now that he had been disowned. Had she completed the clone replacement of him? Or had she plucked another lost battle scarred child like Todd to dote on? Perhaps she was alone, gazing out at her kingdom.

“Dames? You alright?” his brother had finished his phone call, and was looking at Damian, brows knit.

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