#portrait help





you know what’s one of the hardest things to do when you’re making bust/portrait art?

deciding on a pose.

like, you want the pose to be characteristic for that character, but you also want it to be interesting + unique esp. if it’s your MC. and then u have to decide on their default expression.



esp the legs

like what do you do with the legs

If you’re having a hard time deciding on poses, I’d just sketch all of ‘em out as little skeletons and compare them from there.  Like this: 

This way, you can compare the poses you have easily, and help you determine if your current poses are good as is or if you need to modify some here and there.  Any new poses I’d make I’d just draw again.  

Don’t feel bad if some of the characters aren’t that different from each other.  Not everyone needs to be in a dynamic pose, there’s a lot of people who just, well, stand regularly when they talk to people!

I don’t know if you actually want more ideas for how to position legs or are just “let me draw normal looking legs in peace”, but I drew some out and proceeded to discuss it in detail below the cut.  I spend a lot of time drawing characters standing up because I am lame and don’t feel like drawing them any way else somedays.  OTL

When I pick poses, I always go for something that either

  • A) shows off the character’s personality or
  • B) gives a fake personality to deceive the audience

So hey, here’s how I like to position legs:

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