#positive horoscope



The signs and wonderful things that can make them happy in february

Aries: fuzzy pale yellow sweaters, taking photos of their friends, and flowers, flowers everywhere. Reading some poetry. Giving yourself a head massage.

Taurus: walks and getting active and seeing old friends (even if it is just online). Trying new recipes. Petting a cat or a dog and enjoying their innocence.

Gemini: magazines, redesigning their room, getting comfortable in the space they occupy. Taking Polaroid pictures and hanging them up.

Cancer: letting go of things that made them feel small. A visit to the countryside. Blankets and tea and maybe a nice old-fashioned if they have the stomach for it.

Leo: Letting new experiences grow to be there as a habit. Making everyday life better through friends, variety, funny TV shows. Practicing embroidery.

Virgo: feeling the sun on their face. Enjoying the nature around them. A new perfume. Teaching an old card came that they played with their family to their new friends.

Libra: getting a new blend of coffee or some really good herbal tea. Standing on the balcony and watching the birds in the sky. Reading the paper instead of watching the news.

Scorpio: reading a really good book, lending it to a friend and then discussing it. Yoga. Calling someone you haven’t heard from in a long time. Appreciating the little favors people do you.

Sagittarius: finding a new really good movie director and watching everything they made. Good lunch options like delicious couscous bowls and smoothies. Being close to the people that helped you in the last few months. Lemon tea. Baking muffins.

Capricorn: Talking to your grandma, or thinking of her advice. Trying some really nice hairstyles. Making jam. Discovering new sides of who you wanna be.

Aquarius: treating yourself to some extra time with yourself, with a bath, and a book, and a very nice playlist. Wearing your prettiest jewelery. Planning your dream trip in your head.

Pisces: taking the time and writing a letter to a friend who lives far away. Discovering a new favorite music genre. Wearing your favorite jeans again and feeling cute in them. Buying some daisies for yourself.
