




good morning to my trans homies that use neopronouns i hope u have an amazing day

good evening to my trans homies that use neopronouns reminder to drink water / eat if you can! you’re so valid :)

goodnight to my trans homies that use neopronouns :))) i hope your day was good and if not, there’s always tmmrw. head up !!! sweet dreams <3


Coming from your aro buddy here. It’s going to be okay if you discovered that you are aromantic. It will be okay. Even if you’re 100% sure that you are. I know that not all of you are feeling comforted by realizing you’re aro- and why wouldn’t some of us be unhappy? Society puts so much pressure on youth to seek out love and emphasizes so much that romantic love is what makes us human, that its easy to forget that its possible to be happy without it. Its easy to slip into the mindset that you are either never going to be happy, or that you are not human at all.

Youcanbe happy without it. Its possible to live a meaningful life without a romantic partner. And you don’t need a romantic partner to know that you are not alone. 
