#post series



“When did you know?” Dean asks, his voice whisper-soft.

For a moment, Cas wonders if this question is a question at all, or if it is a thing that is meant to melt into the night, fated to join the half-formed pleas that spell stay and disbelieving self-assurances of you’re here that Dean allows himself only under the cover of the darkness.

He doesn’t know. So, he doesn’t answer.

Instead, he watches through their bedroom window as a lone grey cloud drifts across the sky, as the silver light of the moon slices the shadows of the room, and waits, the silence settling around them, thick and stifling. Cas almost squirms under it. Almost.


Dean’s voice is quieter this time. Tentative, almost. Unsure. Cas doesn’t like the way it wavers.

He looks over his shoulder and finds that Dean is already watching him, silver-green eyes soft, shadows settling into the crow’s feet at their corners.

Cas wants to touch them.

He blinks, and Dean smiles, and Cas thinks of the mundanity of miracles.

He turns over so he is facing Dean, presses the palms of his folded hands under his cheek, and waits.

Dean props himself up on his elbow, his free hand coming to rest in between their bodies. His fingers drum a silent rhythm against the sheets.

“When did you know?” he asks again.

Cas knows what he means, of course. Still, he cannot help himself. This is something he has now, something Dean has given him. And, oh, he loves it, this freedom of saying it.

So; “That I loved you?” he asks.

He smiles, because he revels in the taste of the words, because he feels like something of himself settles into this once-borrowed body of his every time he does.

Because the tips of Dean’s ears turn red.

A sigh, then, from Dean. His fingers curling almost shyly in the sheets. A nod.

Keep reading

With the new post series started, I’m looking for some interesting vocab words that you guys would like to see posted, including any interesting information about their origin. You will be given credit as the requester of course. :) Just send me an Ask or comment if you have one. I’m also looking for grammar topics that would be useful for future posts. Any ideas?


“should i grow out my hair… maybe?”

anihelate: commission work✨


commission work✨

Post link


“Are you happy, Naruto?”


You know those videos where someone just gets random amnesia when coming off of anesthesia and forgets they’re even married, then cries at how pretty their wife is when they realize that person in the room is their wife? I feel like Naruto would be one of those dopey guys.

My art


nrhn doodlezZZ

was listening to Lover then i remember them
