#posting here specifically so i do not forget


i keep thinking about an event or something for polytheists focused on writingmyth retellings.

if its something specific itd be like a “MythReWriMo” (along the lines of a “Myth-Retelling Writing Month” or anything with less of a silly name fkdkdkd)

and maybe even something more non-specific? like not a month-long thing, but a more general event for coming up with retellings.

or better yet !! modern myths!!narratives or poetry

(with monthly or weekly prompts perhaps, maybe focusing on different deities depending on the time?)

i just feel like itd be so cool to have a little community interacting with our own versions of the known stories, and also with modern mythos, new stories, with the gods interacting with new domains that are a part of modern worship and cultus….

idk, something to think about maybe?
