#potc os



Pirates of the Caribbean Masterlist

Results for Pirates of the Caribeean on danihow:

James Norrington

Shakespeare’s eyes
Requested | 1.05k

In order to get the attention away from them and steal a map in Tortuga, Y/N and Norrington must put up a drama as the couple they are not.

Main masterlist


Incorrect Quotes

©danihow. 2022. All rights reserved. Re-uploading, translating or any sort of modifying any work piece is not allowed.

This is a work of fanfiction, characters mentioned or involved are all belonging to Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, Disney and all their respective creators. The works on this post are not intented to mean any real cannon changes on the movies storylines.

Some themes are not factually acurate, any problem detected on the information given may be comunicated to me via DM.
