#power of onenote


Long time no post! I have been on my course since September, and the first semester was stressful to say the least. Would you guys like a detailed post on my course? I am currently studying enterprise management (企业管理) master course at Qingdao University. Before I started I couldn’t find any other people online/at my uni doing the master course in Chinese… so I had no other people to reference my experience to which I feel would have been helpful. Would you guys like to know about it?

Anyway onto the post…

Below is a preview of my university course notebook. The page you see is where I put an overview of my classes. You can see I have made a note of what study methods to use, info about exams and homework to do. To organise my homework I created a tag called ‘homework’. For each piece of homework I tag it as such. On the right hand panel you can see my tag summary (to open click home > find tags). I then filter to this notebook. I can then see all my tasks tagged 'homework’ from every page and its now organised as a bit to do list.

This is a closer look at the tags summary.


I also have a tag which is called 'to ask’, this tag is used when I come across something I don’t understand and need help. As you can see below I have tagged some words I don’t understand and need clarification. When I next meet my teacher I can simply go to the tags summary and click on each tag that takes me to a different page. This is powerful as you do not need to remember where you got stuck and look in all pages when you meet your teacher for help.

Lastly I have a tag called 'projects’, this is for mini 'projects’ that I want to learn about outside of my course (for example I want to learn some Tang poems, or studying starsigns in Chinese etc.)

Other tag ideas include

·       Exam

·       Remember for later (if I am in class I need to make a note.. e.g. add vocab to my pleco etc. but don’t have time, I’ll note it and execute after class)

In daily life I use such tags too (in my 'organiser’ notebook). One note doesn’t just organise my studies.. But my whole life! (if anyone would like some posts about organising in general then let me know.. I could make some posts).

Tags include…

·       Groceries

·       Recipes

·       Wishlist

·       TV show to watch

If you have any tag ideas let me know in the comments too :D
