#ppuppy dog eyes



▫︎ ▪︎  ━   puppy dog eyes .

he’s long since learned that the man from sphere is almost the complete opposite of him.  more down to earth, less likely to climb the trees and fly too close to the sun but in a way, that’s what hongjoong liked about him.  changkyun kept to himself, didn’t really let on much but that made hongjoong all the more eager to twist his way into his heart.  from what he’s been able to tell, it’s working.

a look of affront crosses his expression and hongjoong sticks out his lip in a pout.  “ you just seemed to like peaches a lot, so i …” he trails off, staring at the fruit stones littered around them but leans a little closer into changkyun’s space, until his forehead is almost resting against his.  “ but now that you said that, i’m bringing enough sour apples so that you get sick of them and beg me for peaches again.”  he flops back into his spot in the grass, stretching out until he feels the touch of changkyun’s hand on his thigh  -  every sense in his body flares and he stiffens in response, trying to quell the quick swell of desire he feels.  but he doesn’t want to scare changkyun off, so he coughs awkwardly and tries to smile amidst the feelings that roil around in his belly.

“ nope.  just stole some fruit for you.”  he quips as if he’s proud  (  because let’s face it, he always is after a good haul.  )  “ did you have fun playing with the cows?”

it wasn’t far from the truth when people said opposites attract each other. there was a faint balance that the two of them managed to get around to after a while, and it brought a warm fuzzy feeling in changkyun’s chest. even if it did take a bit more for him to finally speak freely around hongjoong, they were getting there. and yes, the fruits did help.

there is curious glint that flashes over changkyun’s expression when the other leans close, oh so close, it almost makes him lean forward. he holds himself still. “yeah? i’d like to see you try.” he says, loud laugh following as he leans back, smile wide on his lips. once hongjoong is on the ground, he can’t help but eye him, smile still as wide before looking back at the fields across from them. he hums a bit at the question he is given, head tipped to the side as he takes another bite from the peach. “it was nothing really out of the usual, but yeah.” he says with a nod of his head, smile finally softening.

“you should drop by and play with them sometime, i’m sure they’ll be happy to see a different face.“ changkyun says, giving hongjoong’s thigh a squeeze and finally retreating his hand.
