


in the middle of summer, approaching the bushes– naeun was keeping a secret from her family. a secret she had managed to keep since the first time she visited the apple tree garden, it was big– from the end, she could barely see her house but that was the best thing the only thing she had her eyes on was the bushes and what she knew was on the other side.

it was with an excited smile she pushed the pushes aside and stepped inside– this was theirspot, it had become their spot since their first meeting. it was a difficult feeling to describe for her– but this was by far the highlight of her summer and as she sat there, waiting for the male she remembered the first time they had met. a rustle in the bushes had caught her attention, then she had looked inside and there was a face staring back at her. a face she had never seen and she had gotten startled and tripped ( yes she had fallen into the bush ), she had made a yelp which had caught the attention of her father who was nearby but once inside. one thing had lead to another, the male, whose name shed later name was jaemin– had a finger covering his mouth as if he didn’t want her to make a sound.

from that moment everything had changed, the way they had sat so close, listening to her father’s footsteps outside the bushes and naeun holding her breath so she wouldn’t be heard and eyes glimpsing up at the male, her heart thumping against her chest. 

naeun remembered that feeling, now that she was sitting there waiting for him– this was no accident. now her heart was beating with excitement as she waited for him to arrive. the boy that had caught her attention and had made her breathless and continued to excite her with each meeting.

what was this feeling?

                                starter for  ━  ꕤ ┊ @jaerk  *:・.

summer was always a busy time at the estate  –  workers were a dime a plenty, plus the added on help, it seemed like the number of heads that frequented the homes was endless ; the more people, more of their produce was groomed for sale, too. it meant that the bustle of work was far more energetic than it is on the off months. the more people on the estate also meant it was easier to slip past his father’s eagle eye defenses when it came to meeting naeun for their daily venture around the area. she wasn’t from here and while jaemin usually never went out of his way to do so  –  something about showing her where he grew up and all the little things to love about it made him want her to love it, too.

( after all, she was only here for the summer )

it’s easier to ignore the dull aching he feels when he watches the days go by – as july becomes august far too quickly but jaemin does what he does best and he ignores it for the greater good. because what good would it do to dull on the what ifs when reality was just a few feet away. it’s what pushes him into the bushes like all those weeks ago  –  ignoring the infrequent branches and leaves that brush against his arms as he makes his way through the hedge . navigating through them has become easier as the days go by, their meeting spot never once changing, always being smack dab in the middle of their properties ; jaemin isn’t the least bit surprised when he catches her by the wrist and pulls her from one side of the brush to his own ; indefinitely defying the property lines that divided their two homes. 

he doesn’t say much, saving all the more with a smile as he tugs her from the bushes and quickly makes his escape with her through the back of his yard. weaving through the gardens and the rows of apple trees that lined the end of their property line. “come on! i have something to show you,”

because like every other day, with haste, it seemed jaemin always had something new to show her. ( or something, he hoped, would keep her here longer)


▫︎ ▪︎  ━   puppy dog eyes .

he’s long since learned that the man from sphere is almost the complete opposite of him.  more down to earth, less likely to climb the trees and fly too close to the sun but in a way, that’s what hongjoong liked about him.  changkyun kept to himself, didn’t really let on much but that made hongjoong all the more eager to twist his way into his heart.  from what he’s been able to tell, it’s working.

a look of affront crosses his expression and hongjoong sticks out his lip in a pout.  “ you just seemed to like peaches a lot, so i …” he trails off, staring at the fruit stones littered around them but leans a little closer into changkyun’s space, until his forehead is almost resting against his.  “ but now that you said that, i’m bringing enough sour apples so that you get sick of them and beg me for peaches again.”  he flops back into his spot in the grass, stretching out until he feels the touch of changkyun’s hand on his thigh  -  every sense in his body flares and he stiffens in response, trying to quell the quick swell of desire he feels.  but he doesn’t want to scare changkyun off, so he coughs awkwardly and tries to smile amidst the feelings that roil around in his belly.

“ nope.  just stole some fruit for you.”  he quips as if he’s proud  (  because let’s face it, he always is after a good haul.  )  “ did you have fun playing with the cows?”

it wasn’t far from the truth when people said opposites attract each other. there was a faint balance that the two of them managed to get around to after a while, and it brought a warm fuzzy feeling in changkyun’s chest. even if it did take a bit more for him to finally speak freely around hongjoong, they were getting there. and yes, the fruits did help.

there is curious glint that flashes over changkyun’s expression when the other leans close, oh so close, it almost makes him lean forward. he holds himself still. “yeah? i’d like to see you try.” he says, loud laugh following as he leans back, smile wide on his lips. once hongjoong is on the ground, he can’t help but eye him, smile still as wide before looking back at the fields across from them. he hums a bit at the question he is given, head tipped to the side as he takes another bite from the peach. “it was nothing really out of the usual, but yeah.” he says with a nod of his head, smile finally softening.

“you should drop by and play with them sometime, i’m sure they’ll be happy to see a different face.“ changkyun says, giving hongjoong’s thigh a squeeze and finally retreating his hand.



it was rough trying to take care of a baby chick all by himself, especially since he was already the least responsible person he knows to begin with. but even still, yeonjun wasn’t willing to give this tiny baby up just yet. so if he couldn’t find help from his family orhis friends, so be it. he’s willing to find assistance somewhere, even if that meant talking to people he barely knew. 

fortunately, however, he didknow one person that he could trust. he never liked bothering yiren with his problems, as opposed to their mutual friends. who he was muchmore comfortable going to them with his first world issues. however, seeing as they were busy and how he knew that the girl was always very nice to him, he decides to try his luck.

holding the baby chick in his hands, he meets up with her at her house. “hey! hope i’m not bothering you too much with this,” he says with a little smile. curse him and his city boy brain for getting him into this situation in. the first place. “but i don’t know anyone else who knows a lot about animals more than and i do andwas willing to help me out so… you’re my only hope.” nervous smile before he hears the chick chirp and then it turns genuine. 

yiren knows yeonjun more as a friendly acquaintance than a friend, at least that’s what she’s always thought. she’s like that with a lot of people though, everyone knows her and her family for their kindness, and especially yiren’s inability to say no when it came to helping- people or animals.

looking back, it was probably obvious to many that yiren would be the type to go off and singlehandedly try to revive an old farm on her own, filling it with animals before she was really ready. but she was well studied, and made sure to learn as much as she could whenever she could, which led to some sort of impromptu animal expert over the years.

when yeonjun calls on her for help, she invites him over without question, meeting him at her door with the baby chick in his hands. “oh don’t worry about!” she smiles, beckoning him inside. “i don’t mind at all, especially not for such a cute little thing like this one,” she coos, “how did you end up with him?”
