
#baby bump    #pregnant    #pregnancy    
#baby bump    #pregnant    #pregnancy    

One of my favorite things is having my ass spanked when I’m being taken from behind and feeling powerless.

Tell me what you think of me.

back to the trailer park I go!

@daddy-o-jays told me to go back wearing a dress but no panties. My mom is coming soon to get the girls and then I’ll be on my way


Last night I was fucked in the back room of a trailer park downtown

and I swear to god if that’s how I get pregnant ‍♀️

Flashback to when I got twins fucked into me.

Also, because I’m a horny slut, I’m back on kik for a bit.

I don’t respond to “hey” “hi” or other BS messages. Send me something filthy or put me in my place and we can talk.


Can someone make me a slut schedule with daily tasks I need to do?

Please & thank you.

Well… it’s official. I’m expecting TWINS! I’m absolutely terrified but couldn’t be more excited. My valentines babies knew that was the perfect day for them to make me their mother. I’m anxious for the road ahead!

Any other moms out there that have had twins? I don’t even know where to start!

Trump Wants To Gut FDA Regs. He Needs A Refresher Course On The Thalidomide CrisisRemember thalidomi

Trump Wants To Gut FDA Regs. He Needs A Refresher Course On The Thalidomide Crisis

Remember thalidomide?

The only nonbarbiturate sedative on the market from 1957 to 1962, thalidomide was a wildly popular sleep aid. Unaware of the risk for birth defects because of inadequate pre-market testing, pregnant women started taking it to treat morning sickness.

By the early 1960s, 20,000 babies were born with missing or shortened limbs because their pregnant mothers took the drug. Thalidomide was also blamed for more than 90,000 miscarriages.

The thalidomide tragedy was the catalyst for the rigorous drug approval and monitoring systems in place at the FDA today ― the very ones that Trump wants to sidestep to speed up the drug-to-market process. All of which makes remembering the story of thalidomide crucial.

The Cheetoh-In-Charge needs to take a history lesson and remember why the FDA exists in the first place.

Post link

Today is day 5 of antidepressants, and not to jinx it but I feel good. I’ve been dealing with severe anxiety, depression and a personality disorder since I was around 15. And this is the first time I’ve really committed to getting professional help. It feel good. This is the first time since Zelda was born almost 2 years ago that I’ve done anything for myself. I let this hold me back so many times. I never went to college because of it, I dropped out of hair school during a depressive episode, I avoided driving until I was 21 because of it, never joined clubs or attempted to make friends in high school. I want to be better, and healthier for my girls.


This is very important and it would mean a lot if you guys could please please please donate, my friend ‪needs expenses for an abortion and she has abusive parents who will not support her with child or without, and her partner (the father) blocked all contact with her as well as was abusive towards her. She needs this money before the 10 week period passes before she must go with a more intense procedure. Please and thank you if you can donate this is very very important to me.
The cost for an abortion pill is $425 within the first 4 weeks, it rises up to $475 after that period. She wishes to have it done within the next two weeks, please please help thank you god bless you.

