

The Atomists- Russell’s History of Western Philosophy, chapter by chapter- (9)

The Atomists were a fascinating group of philosophers. We have seen the eminence of Greek scientists in various scientific discoveries in the past several chapters, but the Atomists are possibly the most surprising. Pertaining to their namesake, the Atomists built a science and philosophy around the positing of atoms to build up the world. The world was made from two things, atoms and void.


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Empedocles- Russell’s History of Western Philosophy, chapter by chapter (6)

Empedocles represents the cusp of Greek scientific endeavour. He was a brilliant thinker in regards of his science, but his religious life was rather different. It is worth separating the two because of how at odds with each other they are.

He flourished around the date of 440BCE in Akragas. He was originally a successful politician, and also claimed to be a living God. He was later banished by…

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Parmenides- Russell’s History of Western Philosophy, chapter by chapter- (5)


Parmenides was born, it is thought, around 515 BCE in Elea. It was believed that an old Parmenides actually taught a young Socrates, although this is debated. In this article, we will look at his attempt to explain permanence in nature, and be introduced to an early problem in the philosophy of language.


The first real search for permanence was to be found with the endeavours of…

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Hans Erni (1909-2015) — Thales of Miletus  [tempera on paperboard, 1976]

Hans Erni (1909-2015) — Thales of Miletus  [tempera on paperboard, 1976]

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