#prince wilhelm


This scene in s2, but they’re both dressed, awake and emotionally wrecked.

As they lay in Wilhelm’s unmade bed– the bed Simon had last laid on just hours before his trust in Wille wavered, forcing him into breaking his heart, his own already shattered and they couldn’t go on like that anymore– Simon’s teary eyes fixate on his fingertips traveling an upward path over the light purple fabric of Wille’s shirt. Everytime it bunches up, he smoothens it and pours more delicacy into his touch. Wille quietly shudders under it, unaware making Simon want to lend him his own purple.

His gaze follows his fingertips, latching on the wet trail staining Wille’s cheeks and the unshed tears. Simon swipes his thumb under Wille’s eye, a tear spills out on his nail.

Whenever he felt like crying, Simon always stiffened up. He just had to. The circumstances of his upbringing taught him that’s what he should do. Always gave and gave and when he received comfort he never fully allowed himself to relish in it.

In the dimness of Wille’s room, however Simon unfolds, chokes a sob and inches forward until his lips are pressed on Wille’s forehead, he cradles his face and allows his lips to linger.

Wille takes a shaky breath. The thought of ‘I don’t want to love you, If I can’t have you the way we both deserve’ in Simon’s head dissipates right as Wille’s tilts his head slightly to the side, pinning the warmth of his mouth against the heel of Simon’s palm, unraveling him more and more.

“I just don’t want to be a secret,” Simon whispers and hopes that the boy in his arms can hear the ‘it’s not because I don’t love you’ sentiment.

“You don’t deserve to be one,” Wille breathes out, his fingers wrapping around Simon’s wrist, thumb brushing over his pulse point. “You deserve to be loved loud, I’m sorry that I can’t give you that.”

“Hey.” Simon draws back enough for their eyes to meet, he’s still cupping Wille’s face as he reveals something that he might have not made clear before, back when they easily could get tangled in each other. “You know right now I’m not asking for that, right?”

Watching Wille’s eyebrows furrow, Simon adds, moving his thumb to smooth the crease between the other’s eyebrows. “I know you’re under an overwhelming amount of pressure and I’m aware of how unfair it was that you were forced into making a statement and I’m aware that you’re still discovering yourself, we’re 16 for goodness sake. I just want to be able to be with you in front of people, at least here in school, be able to hold your hand, hug you, at least for now. I can refrain from kissing you in public, it will be hard, these past few weeks proved that, but I am okay with that. I just want it to be on both our terms, no more back and forth.”

“You still want me?”

“Of course, I do,” he declares, sounding defeated as he lowers his hand to Wille’s neck, gliding his fingers to the nape, burying them beneath the hair there, it has grown so much longer since Simon last ran his fingers through it and tugged him closer into another kiss. “It’s not easy to get over your first love, especially when you really don’t want to and the reason you’re broken up is not on you both.”

Wille doesn’t react visibly to the word ‘love’ and Simon is grateful for it.

“It’s on me, though.”

“I don’t believe you lied to me when you told me we’re in this together and when you told me you’ll talk to your mother. I think it’s the drive back to the palace that changed something. I know you would never intentionally hurt me, but I do wish you told me beforehand.”

“I’m really sorry. She said stuff, my mom. But I don’t care anymore about what she thinks is right or wrong. She can’t stop me, not after everything she did, even if she had the best intent.”

“I don’t want to pressure you, I can’t do that.”

Wille braces his weight on his elbow, the movement causing Simon’s hand to fall to his shoulder then to the space between them on the mattress. “Look, Simme, I don’t think I can come out right now, you know, release a statement. I don’t want to say anything yet. I can’t take back what I said in that interview, people will then question every statement we put out there, but I want to be with you, I don’t want to hide. I want to hold your hand walking you to class everyday and I want to ride the bus with you on weekends to see your mama. I want everyone to put the pieces together and see that it was me with you in the video without having to say it, I’ll make it easy for them.”

Simon nods, slowly.

“Maybe- maybe I can start from now,” Wille announces, abruptly sitting up.

Simon watches as Wille retrieves his phone from where he left it on his desk when they entered the room.

“What are you doing?”

“Can you take off your hoodie please?”


“I’m gonna post a photo on Instagram with your hoodie in the corner and make it very obvious that my room looks exactly like the one in that video.”

Simon pulls himself into a seated position and faces Wille. “You look like you’ve been crying, maybe you can kiss me until you don’t look like that anymore and then we can discuss this some more.”

Wille nods, his eyes roaming Simon’s face until they settle on his lips and while he seems lost in his thoughts, Simon is the one to connect their lips and smile first into the kiss.

There’s still so much to do, to talk about, and to mend, but they’ll be okay and for now he’s allowing himself to have this moment of peace.

i just noticed that simon changed the curtains in his room after the video got leaked. it was sheer fabric before that if someone wanted so badly to take a look inside they could, but now it’s thicker material and safer. this show just keeps getting sadder and sadder.

Thinking about the content of Wille and Simon on the internet through out the years steering away from being tape and everything revolving around it focused and instead it’s just about them being a wholesome couple.

The two don’t post much, but from time to time, they share somethings. They go on a road trip just them after graduation and Simon takes lots of photos and shares only one and it’s his boyfriend looking stunning behind the wheel.

Wille posts a photo of Simon playing the piano in one of the castle’s rooms and caption it with “cosy.”

Simon posts a short clip of him singing a song he wrote and it doesn’t take long for people to speculate it’s about the prince, it doesn’t help that he was wearing a hoodie the prince had been seen in a lot.

Wille walks the streets of Stockholm one day and a wall catches his attention, right in the middle there’s 3 fishes drawn in chalk. He smiles, noticing Malin’s grin when he takes a photo. She knows he’s madly in love, she helped him out many times to be closer to Simon and she knows how much he’s grateful and thankful and that he loves her, so he doesn’t shy away from showing his affection for Simon when she’s around. He posts the photo later when he’s in bed and captions it with “Olle, Oski, and Felle <3” no one gets it.

On their friend’s social media, you can see their faces squished together in group photos and if you stared enough you will see Wille’s arm wrapped around Simon’s waist and sometimes Simon half sitting on Wille’s lap, they always look peaceful and content.

They spend weekends at Felice’s apartment when they’re in college, she makes a joke about the spare room being theirs. Sometimes they make small appearances in her instagram lives and one time she convinces them to do a dancing tiktok with her and Wille is a mess can’t dance at all and at the end of it as Felice approaches her phone to stop the video with the most radiant smile on her face, in the background Simon’s giggles can be heard as he looks up at his boyfriend, “you really can’t dance” and in the corner you can see the prince wrapping one arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder and pulling him in to kiss his temple. Felice almost edits it out, but Wille tells her she can keep it, that he wantsher to keep it. Simon blushes and tucks his face in Wille’s neck, very happy with how far they came.

“I know him like the back of my hand,” Simon told Sara at the naive age of 18. He wholeheartedly believed it then, but as Wilhelm and him pursued a life together, he discovered there’s more to the nooks and crannies he thought he got all figured out.

There are more to Wilhelm, of course there are and with the privilege of time, Simon got to unpack it. Grumpy Wille doesn’t want space like how Simon thought, sometimes he wants you to approach and hold him and he’ll crumble almost every time.

The sappy Wille always had him undone, calling his friends in tears because “No you don’t understand, Rosh, I think I’ll explode from how much I love him.” That side of Wilhelm is unleashed most due the distance and it provides Simon handwritten letters and daily love confessions prior to bed, but at the age of 20 Wilhelm visited Erik’s grave alone for the first time since he was 17. Simon was lying on theircouch in theirliving room with his head in his mother’s lap when he got the call. The vulnerability Wille poured into his love letters was so evident throughout the sobs on the other end of the call, except the “I hope I die before you” that was new and terrifying and had him clutching into his mother after Wille ended the call with an “I love you.” and a promise of a video call when he gets back to the palace.

And then there’s the one he’s amused by right now, he can’t put a name to it yet, but all Simon knows is that he adores this version too and it’s very endearing.

Simon could be in the middle of making coffee and then he’s being swooped over his boyfriend’s shoulder and carried around just because. They could be huddled on the couch, his hand running lazily through Wilhelm’s hair before he’s squirming from his boyfriend blowing a raspberry across his stomach, which lead to a tickle fight that leads to hide and seek game until someone catches the other and claim themselves a winner by a kiss from the loser. They could be entering their apartment after a night out with friends, so exhausted, yet Wille follows him towards the kitchen hands on his hips and lyrics of overrated songs tickling Simon’s neck and badly being sung, but God how it warms Simon’s heart and spin him around to cup Wille’s face and coo “you’re so drunk.” as he hands him a cup of water and kisses him when the response he gets is, “no I just love you, mi amor.”

It’s quarter after five and they’ve just woken up from a nap, both twisted in fresh bed sheets. The curtains are shut, but lights are still on since both were stubborn to leave the bed’s warmth to turn them off.

They were spooning until Simon turned around, head still resting on Wille’s arm as he kissed his nose.

Now his palm is in both of Wille’s hands, being read because apparently Wilhelm is able to do that now and Simon has no clue but he’s aware that the other is making up shit as he goes.

And Simon isn’t protesting at all, why would he when the best sound he ever heard, Wille’s giggles, are so close that he could feel the breath of their release? Why would he when Wille’s index is tracing his palm with so much tenderness that reminds him of the swipe of Wille’s thumb against his palm when the prince reached out and held his hand for the first time in front of the queen? Why would he when his temple and curls are being kissed? Why would he when a week ago he was dragged by Ayub into a jewelry shop to get something nice for his sister’s birthday and all Simon could think about was Wille as his eyes scanned the rings on display.

Initially, Wille’s readings were almost believable, but quickly they steered into the bullshit zone where they’re still stuck at. Simon covers his eyes with his free arm and giggles, “this is bullshit.”

The hand that was cupping the back of Simon’s, moves to Simon’s forearm to pull his arm away from his face. “Hey, I need you to look at this.”

“Okay, what?” Simon beams, his attention back on Wille’s finger tracing a line below his pinkie andthe feel of Wille’s palm once again against his knuckles.

“Do you know anything about this line?”

“No, you’re the expert here.”

“Well, it’s long.”

“And that’s a good thing?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

Simon notes the abrupt change in Wille’s voice, realizing that the heavy playfulness is almost gone from his tone, sincerity drenching it instead and all Simon can do is hold his breath.

“It means you’ll be or are in a long and stable relationship.”

“I’m. 8 years and still counting.”

“It could also mean that you’ve found the right person with ease,” Wille points out and chuckles as he adds, “which is questionable.”

“But look at us now.”

It feels wrong to not look at Wille as he speaks those words, so he accepts the urge and catches every emotion he can depict on his boyfriend’s face, a tinge of surprise mixed adoration that on occasions compels Simon to avert his gaze, but he doesn’t this time, he holds the other’s gaze until his eyelids are closing shut, reacting to Wille connecting their lips in a sweet kiss. Simon lets it last longer by reaching with his free hand to cup the side of Wille’s neck, fingers caressing the ends of his hair.

“You’re very gentle,” Wille says, nudging their noses.

“Thanks?” Simon chuckles.

“That’s what that line’s length also indicates.”


“And I agree, you’ve always been so gentle with me, even when you rightfully broke my heart.”


Simon lets him interrupt, he isn’t even sure where he’s going, he just despises that the guilt still lays heavy within Wille’s heart and that even years of loving couldn’t quench it.

Wille’s eyes shift back on their hands, as he talks,“it’s one of the numerous reasons why I fell in love with you and why I couldn’t even fall out of it when I tried to force myself to.”

“I love you too,” Simon whispers, following Wille’s gaze downward. “And I’m glad you still love me and that you chose me, even when everyone made it hard for you.”

“You’re worth it.” Wille kisses his temple, “but also verydistracting.”

“Sorry,” Simon lights up. “Okay, read me some more.”

Wille presses another kiss, before he rests his cheek on top of Simon’s head. “Do you know what they’re called, the lines?”

Simon shakes his head.

Wille carefully traces his palm, naming each line; heart line, head line, life line, fate line, leaving the one he analyzed for last. “This one is a marriage line.”

It takes him a few minutes to register what’s happening and when it happens it hits Simon all at once. They make eye contact and Simon is stunned that all he could do is breathe out Wille’s name.

“I love you, I love you so much and I want to love you forever and I will, there’s no need for a piece of paper or a ring to hold me onto this promise, but if you-”

“Fuck, Wille,” He whines and then all so fast he’s rolling out of Wilhelm’s grip, resting on his stomach, hiding his face in his crossed arms on the bed.

Familiar warmth wraps him up as Wille holds him from behind and kisses his shoulder’s blade. “Hey, hey I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I can take it back. I promise it won’t change anything. I love you.”

“Fuck, no.” Simon lifts one arm from under his head and wraps it around Wille’s neck, tugging him forward into his side and kissing him, a little salty and inconsistent. “This- this please don’t take back.”


“Yeah, I really really love you.” Simon shifts on his back, his arm still around Wille’s neck, keeping him close as the other wanders to his own cheeks to brush off the tears he couldn’t contain. Wille beats him to it, reaches his cheeks first, wipe the tears off then leans down to press a kiss underneath Simon’s eye.

“So those are happy tears?”

Simon nods, “and very overwhelmed.”

“Is it a yes?”

Simon chuckles, “you should ask first, you just implied and I assumed.”

Wille opens his mouth before quickly shutting it, then turns to his nightstand. “I got this last year,” he states once he’s facing Simon again, his elbow supporting his weight as he half hovers on top of Simon with a wedding ring in his hold between them. “But it wasn’t when I first thought about marrying you. We were 18 when that happened and we were in your room, on bed almost like this and you were talking about something so fucking mundane and I remember thinking that I want a forever with you, before that I tried to just focus on the now because if I didn’t I’d spiral, you were there to witness it firsthand, but since that afternoon, I found myself thinking about picking furniture with you for our apartment and how we will adopt a cat and how I want you to be the first thing I see in the morning and last at night. I remember thinking, “I want to marry him” and I remember it being on the tip of my tongue, but luckily you gave me your half of a satsuma and it did shut me up for a while, but it didn’t help much because I started to think about how you always gave me a half and how the first time it happened you just handed it to me so casually like you aren’t aware that I’m falling head over heels in love with you and how I’ll probably spend the night thinking about it, thinking that if I was brave enough to kiss you there’s huge chance, I’ll taste it on you and I was right, even with the popcorn you ate right before our first kiss, I could taste it and thinking about that didn’t help by the way, because I started to think about how almost every time we kissed you tasted sweet like that and I wanted to spend all my life kissing you to see if it’s gonna change and that made me hung up on the idea of us living together and how I’ll make sure there’s no lack of satsuma inside which made me think-”

“You think a lot,” Simon smiles, making Wille chuckle as he caresses the new tear at the corner of Simon’s eye.

“Yeah, it’s scary sometimes but when I think about you, it’s really not.” One of Wille’s shy smiles appears, but the confidence still shines through, his fingers slide down the side of Simon’s and stop under Simon’s chin to strengthen their eye contact, the other is deep in his hair, fingers stroking his scalp. “You stuck with me through a lot and I’ll stay grateful as long as I live and now that we’re older, wiser and I’m a little braver, would you continue making me the luckiest and happiest man in the whole world and marry me, Simme?”

Simon spills out his countless “yes, yes, of course.” and I love yous in between kisses and after a moment, they withdraw, both beaming. Wille grabs Simon’s hand off of his cheek and holds it between them. “Remember how ages ago I got us lollipop rings, different brands and everything, well since you don’t wear rings and I needed to know your ring size, I thought those could’ve helped out.”

“They didn’t, they were too big,” Simon huffs out a laugh.

“Yeah, so this one could not fit, but we can-”

“Mi amor, just do it.”

With an endearing smile, Wille swiftly glides the ring on Simon’s finger, happily announcing that it fits when it sits right where it belongs.

Simon hauls him into another searing kiss. An “I love you so much,” simultaneously whispered right before their lips meet. His hand travels to Wille’s cheek and if Simon were to read minds, the smile against his own belongs to the cold feel across Wille’s skin and the thought of I can get used to it.


all the info about palmistry was from google. i could be wrong, i did the research at like 5 am. btw wille heard from somewhere about the marriage line and he thought “i love holding simon’s hand, this could be a way to propose then he studied simon’s hand and googled it”

Just thinking about the first time wilmon have to be away from each other for a long period of time and Wille taking his necklace and placing it around Simon’s neck, pressing a kiss at the nape and saying something soft like “it means a lot to me and you mean more so…”

Simon turns around in Wille’s arms and smiles teary eyed and runs his hands down Wille’s neck to his chest, palms caressing the fabric of hispurple hoodie that will warm Wille on his way back to Stockholm.

When they see each other again, it’s Wille’s birthday and right next to the cross, there’s a silver pendant with a dot of purple in the middle that sits over Wille’s heart for the rest of his life, except for when it’s against Simon’s, during times when they have to ache and long for each other.

wille pressing a kiss over simon’s heart in episode 4 and thinking “thank god yours is still beating”

“I held you in, while you shed your skin and I read myself to sleep”

Speak up, I’m losing you

We made a deal. Oh god don’t make me feel I got addicted to us

Darling you’ve been my greatest defeat

This has been talked about a lot, but i find it so remarkable and genuinely beautiful to point out, especially when a second season is about to drop.

Wilhelm and simon did not left in bad terms.

It’s known that if it wasn’t for all the things rowing against them, that stood in their way and got out of control, the happily ever after would have been a possibility. They found their way back to each other, even when everything could much more easily tear them apart.

The one time they didn’t, the one time simon drew the line, it was a thoughtful personal choice, not an imposed one. The situation was tough and also its impact, but the “this doesn’t have to change what we’ve got, it’s just that we can’t be seen together” was for all intents and purposes a way out of it if they both wanted to, so for simon to still let wilhelm go? that was so brave. he put himself first thinking about wille’s sake too, despite the pain of leaving him, of watching tears stream down his face before walking away. It was the right thing, and the most respectful one, to do.

After the video is leaked they’re on the spotlight, but none of people’s eyes watching and wondering stop them from hugging each other publicly one last time; just like all the written speeches, always trying to shut wille’s mouth, that don’t hold him back from telling the realest words he could ever whisper for simon, and simon only, to hear: i love you.

Simon not acting mad or rejective at wilhelm’s instinct to hug him, wille’s need to thank him and speak out his feelings. The betrayal is real, the hurting is real, and they did broke up eventually - just for now - but the main point is: they were not just lovers, they were friends too, they own a special place in the other’s heart and life. They still care for each other, they still love each other, they would still choose each other. the happiness they felt was real too.

This shot is so beautiful.

Season one is wilhelm and simon falling in love for the first time and it will always own a special place in my heart.


you know what I want season two to start with wilhelm coming back to school with a montage of him arguing with kristina and generally causing an upheaval within the monarchy. I want him to walk into the classroom without smiling or greeting anyone, but the moment he sets eyes on simon, his face breaks into the most relieved expression and he walks over to say hi to him and him only

This makes me thrilled for the moment wilhelm will stand up for himself in front of his mother and speak his mind, letting out the anger that burns inside him and how much her words of betrayal hurts, coming from the person who should care about him the most. i’m so here for it.

Longing for extended scenes to know what leaded simon to sit on the floor and wilhelm to lay down on his lap at least.

If it was simon telling him to come closer, if it was wilhelm expressing his need to be held by him, if none of them asked for anything but it was their bodies that naturally gravitated towards each other, maybe after a heartfelt conversation.


Pointing out little moments and details of scenes that need to be remembered:


first kiss scene • episode 2

piano scene • episode 3

“i can’t do this anymore” scene • episode 4

first time scene • episode 4

morning after scene • episode 5

lake scene • episode 5

fish scene • episode 5

fight scene • episode 5

lucia hug scene • episode 5

locker room scene • episode 6

episodes • 1, 2, 3

episodes • 4, 5, 6

Reblogging since tumblr messed up with my analysis posts recently, but you can check them all in here at least.

Also, these are pretty much all the scenes - from season 1 - that i found interesting to be analysed so far. If you have any request of a specific one you’d like me to add, feel super free to ask and i’ll be super happy to do it, whenever time will let me ♡
