#pro wanda maximoff

WandaVision–black & white scenes I’m taking screencaps as I watch the show each week, and WandaVision–black & white scenes I’m taking screencaps as I watch the show each week, and WandaVision–black & white scenes I’m taking screencaps as I watch the show each week, and WandaVision–black & white scenes I’m taking screencaps as I watch the show each week, and

WandaVision–black & white scenes 

I’m taking screencaps as I watch the show each week, and posting them for other fans to enjoy. 

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Imagine if any of the “anti-Starks” actually cared about Wanda as much as they pretend to, and are bImagine if any of the “anti-Starks” actually cared about Wanda as much as they pretend to, and are bImagine if any of the “anti-Starks” actually cared about Wanda as much as they pretend to, and are b

Imagine if any of the “anti-Starks” actually cared about Wanda as much as they pretend to, and are bothering to watch this show. 

I mean they’re not, obviously. None of the “anti-Starks” are seeing this, because they don’t care about a Wanda Maximoff who isn’t shitting on Stark or serving St. Stu Rogers. But, it’s a very pleasant reminder that loving Tony and loving  Wanda are not mutually exclusive. 

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If you hate Wanda cause she’s “bad” but defend Loki cause he’s “broken and misunderstood” you’re a hypocrite.
