#problems in heathenry


I have a hard time supporting pagan authors now. Specifically in the religious sect of things. I think it’s because I can’t trust them. I’ve read to many books that turned out to be completely false or have so many misconceptions in them. Including books from organizations like the Troth. Though theirs is a bit better, they still used outdated theories. Even their whole system is based on Icelandic saga material, which is skeptical to me. There’s also misconceptions about what the term gothi actually is or means.

I think my problem is that I just…can’t rely on them to provide me with information that they claim they have. Yet also say they’re experts. They’re not. I don’t mean the Troth, I mean literally any neo pagan saying they’re an expert. Like, maybe they do a thing that is theirs but it isn’t historical like they claim it is. That’s why it’s called neo paganism. I can’t rely on people who basically lie about their own profession.

What’s the biggest problem in the pagan community? The same thing that’s wrong in every other community. Everyone wants to have an opinion and argue while demeaning others because they feel like history doesn’t matter.
