

Cómo ser un devoto del Señor Dionisio

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¿Qué nos ofrece Dionisio?

Las bendiciones de Dioniso son la prosperidad y la abundancia, la alegría y la pasión, la locura y la profecía, el éxtasis y la libertad. La libertad dionisíaca está más allá del bien y del mal: prevalece sobre la ley, la costumbre, la inhibición o la moral. En el culto a Dioniso, descubrimos quiénes somos realmente, debajo de todas las máscaras, mentiras y compromisos que la sociedad nos exige. Dioniso disuelve todas las fronteras y destruye toda falsedad. En el estado de éxtasis nos sentimos completos; nos sentimos inmensos; nos sentimos conectados con todos los demás adoradores frenéticos, y con la tierra y los dioses. Pronunciamos profecías, ya que ya no estamos limitados por nuestras mentes pequeñas. Realizamos milagros, ya que las leyes de la naturaleza ya no se aplican. Tocamos el rostro de Dios y él nos toca.

¿Cómo honrar al Señor?

Honramos al Señor de diversas maneras. Ser apasionado. Ser creativo. Disfrutar cada momento de la vida, incluso los más duros y desagradables. Beber vino. Tomar drogas moderadas. Usar máscaras teatrales. Asistir al teatro. Mirar películas apropiadas. Escuchar música. Bailar. Cantar. Nadar. Realizar caminatas serpenteantes. Subir una montaña o visitar un bosque. Cuidar la naturaleza. Amar la Tierra. Aprender una forma de adivinación. Explorar la locura. Luchar por la justicia. Dedicarle actos sexuales. Tener sexo desenfrenado. Participar en orgías Adorar el falo. Disfrutar el vino. Liberar nuestro verdadero ser. Ignorar las normas sociales. Andar desnudos. Valorar la vida. Morir con alegría. Luchar contra el sistema. Tener un mejor amigo/a. AMAR.

¿Qué podemos ofrecer ante su altar?

Vino y otros alcoholes, uvas, granadas, manzanas, higos, miel, leche, huevos, almizcle, algalia, incienso, estoraque, diamante negro, marihuana, raíz de orquídea, cardo, hinojo, hiedra, roble, pino, todos los árboles silvestres y domésticos y todas las flores.

“Mabon - Autumn Equinox” 1st illustration of my “wheel of the year” series

“Mabon - Autumn Equinox” 1st illustration of my “wheel of the year” series

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Practice Mindfulness.

(Helpful and quick article for those unfamiliar with mindfulness)

Mindfulness is the foundation of all spiritual growth. We communicate with the universe with our inner voice, not our outer one. If you are trying to work magic with a mind twisted by jealousy, negative self talk, doubt, or is living with regret for the past or anxiety for the future, then your magic will also turn out twisted and malignant, even if that was not necessarily your intention.

Visions of Paphos ______________________A collage with found images, sharpie, stabilo pen, colored p

Visions of Paphos 


A collage with found images, sharpie, stabilo pen, colored pencil, and acrylic. 

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Industrious Pallas Athene, the unwavering. Grey-eyed protectress, and goddess of counsel. An updated

Industrious Pallas Athene, the unwavering. Grey-eyed protectress, and goddess of counsel. 

An updated version of this drawing from several years back. I said in that original post I wanted to do a series of all the Olympians and here we are! Check out the others so far:


Hades & Persephone 

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This is just for fun so if you don’t like this just don’t read this and don’t come at me I’m having fun.

Shai Feraro. Women and Gender Issues in British Paganism, 1945-1990, Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Hardcover edition. 321 pages. 

Shop link in bio.


“We are the grandchildren of the witches they could not burn.”

- because witches don’t have to be feminine (via https://instagram.com/nordic.nymph/)

It’s funny when someone says a deity isn’t real because they’re not in any form of lore. Then I read a book by a professional who states the complete opposite. It’s like, that’s why you shouldn’t just go by your own assumptions and actually study by people who study in the field of a religion you’re trying to revive.

I have a hard time supporting pagan authors now. Specifically in the religious sect of things. I think it’s because I can’t trust them. I’ve read to many books that turned out to be completely false or have so many misconceptions in them. Including books from organizations like the Troth. Though theirs is a bit better, they still used outdated theories. Even their whole system is based on Icelandic saga material, which is skeptical to me. There’s also misconceptions about what the term gothi actually is or means.

I think my problem is that I just…can’t rely on them to provide me with information that they claim they have. Yet also say they’re experts. They’re not. I don’t mean the Troth, I mean literally any neo pagan saying they’re an expert. Like, maybe they do a thing that is theirs but it isn’t historical like they claim it is. That’s why it’s called neo paganism. I can’t rely on people who basically lie about their own profession.
