#professor pac

CoverPrevious While Pac-Man makes his way to Ghost Island, we catch up with Wandy reporting back her



While Pac-Man makes his way to Ghost Island, we catch up with Wandy reporting back her failed mission…

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CoverPrevious The gang finally catches on to the Ghost Witch’s plan, and they gotta move fast!



The gang finally catches on to the Ghost Witch’s plan, and they gotta move fast! Time to visit some spectral pals!

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CoverNextPrevious Inks for this page done by @rikdraws, appreciate the help!Unfortunately the Profes




Inks for this page done by @rikdraws, appreciate the help!

Unfortunately the Professor doesn’t have anything on hand to turn Pac back- but it looks like there’s some even bigger concerns right now.

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CoverPreviousNext Inks for this page done by @ghostytoast, thanks again!A Pac-Man update? Sound the




Inks for this page done by @ghostytoast, thanks again!

A Pac-Man update? Sound the alarms! I was away from this way longer than I anticipated to be, but I’m getting back on the grind. I only have one more page prepared atm that’ll go up next saturday so look forward to that! We’re so close to wrapping up this chapter.

Anyway, after Pac managed to avoid our girl Wandy, the trio goes to a new face for help- Professor Pac! He’s astounded by Pac-Man’s new look, too bad Pac doesn’t share his excitement.

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