#project updates


CHAPTER SUMMARY: The dangerous journey to Chiaroscuro begins! Kalara bids farewell to her past as the caravan makes its way through the Deep Desert Road. The journey is long and treacherous, but not as treacherous as the apathy that threatens to consume her spirit.

Disclaimer: Otogelib IS NOT a group, all translations (except Brothers Conflict Passion Pink and Black Wolves Saga Bloody Nightmare) were done by individuals of the Otogelib community.


Brothers Conflict:

- Passion Pink: 100% translated, 30% proofread

- Brilliant Blue: 30% translated, 14% proofread

Active Translators: 2


Variable Barricade

- 4% translated (Prologue, Taiga chapter1/2)

Active Translators: 2

Nil admirari no tenbin

- 4% translated (Prologue, common route chapter 1,2, some bad ends)

Active Translators: 1

Amnesia Later & Crowd

- 8% translated

Active Translators: 3


Clock Zero

- 23% translated

Active translators: 2

Project leader: 1


Black Wolves Saga

- Bloody Nightmare: 98% translated, 30% proofread

- Last hope: 1% translated

Active Translators: 0

Hakuoki SSL

- 2% translated

Active Translators: 0

Reine Des Fleurs

- 2% translated

Active Translators: 0

All other projects are either don’t have any active translator or are at 0%.

Okay, for some reason Tumblr hasn’t been notifying me that I’ve been getting new messages. Sorry about that, everyone.

Apologies to everyone who’s been waiting on a response from me. I’ve been out of my house since Thanksgiving due to a flooding situation so I haven’t had access to my computer.

Long story short, things have been stressful. Incredibly so because of the pandemic and deadlines. I wanted to get the book printed by the end of the year, but no dice because of the reason I stated above.

I have to take a couple of days to get settled again, after which I’m going to get back to work. 

I’m sorry it’s just more excuses right now. The money is still in the account to get the book printed. That hasn’t gone anywhere. It’s just been one disaster after another last year.

Hopefully 2021 is different.

I’ll update the site later today provided I’m not worn out from moving things.

Thanks for being patient, once again.


Quick update from Fusspot, your friendly local bottleneck:Holo stickers have been ordered. Not sure Quick update from Fusspot, your friendly local bottleneck:Holo stickers have been ordered. Not sure

Quick update from Fusspot, your friendly local bottleneck:

Holo stickers have been ordered. Not sure when they’ll get in, but at least they’re done. Also, the new pins have arrived (thank @borossir for their beautiful design!) and they’re correct this time. (Mostly correct, technically. They gave me pink clutches instead of magenta, but at least they’re in the relative color ballpark.)

Regarding the book: I’ve had a major case of cold feet. The layout is mostly there, I just have to add the credits/merch pages, add a dedication and then put in all the little bits that bring the thing together. That’s going to happen both today and tomorrow.

At points during the process, I’ll be streaming just to make 100% sure I actually do the thing this time. If you want to catch those streams, be sure you’re watching our Twitter (@vodzine) account as I’ll tweet when I go live.

As soon as that’s done, and people have had a couple of days to confirm that their details in the book are correct, everyone will receive the PDF. The books will be shipped as soon as I have them in my hands.

Once again, I apologize for dragging out the production like this. I could go into detail as to why, but it all amounts to a bunch of excuses at this point. 

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