


So I escorted at the clinic for the first time this morning—well, more shadowed and learned than anything, and was bombarded by the anti’s any time I strayed too far from Pam or Rita—and while I have plenty of interesting things to talk about, the one that weighs most heavily on my mind is the biggest display of anti-choice hypocrisy I have ever witnessed in my life.

Sure, we all know how little they actually value life, and we all hear the stories about “Once the fetus is out, they stop caring” and so on and so forth, but the truth of their blatant disregard for actual LIFE was shoved directly in my face. While my heart goes out to the people involved, I could not have asked for a better, clearer example of what anti’s really care about.

I’d been standing around, chatting with the two women there that morning, Rita and Pam. I stuck close to either one or the other all morning, because anytime I got too far away, it felt like the anti’s circled me like sharks—when I first got out of the car I was hassled, them thinking I was there for the procedure, so I said loud and clear and directly to the nearest woman wearing a vest, “I want to be an Escort.”

They still didn’t leave me alone of course, wondering why “a girl so young and impressionable would choose to help such a thing” and the like, and shoved multiple pamphlets my way, but I’m pretty proud of how I handled the situation. I was polite, despite quivering with rage, and only got somewhat abrasive when Ed decided to practically corner me, bludgeoning me with questions—which I think I handled well, or at least, Pam seemed impressed.

Anyway, the three of us were standing outside the clinic, when all the sudden there was a HUGE crash at the intersection of Second Street and Market. Four cars were involved. I gasped and grabbed Pam’s arm, and in seconds Rita and I were headed down to the corner, Rita with her phone out and already dialing 911. Pam remained behind to watch for potentials, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the wreck. Everyone but the woman in the Pontiac was out of their cars—two men were very pissed, one older man was practically limping, and the woman… wasn’t moving. I was horrified—I’d never witnessed a wreck before, so this was intense, and there were car parts everywhere—someone very easily could have died.

But then I noticed, we were the only ones there. Some joggers were beside us, watching, but otherwise, we were alone. I turned around, and sure enough, not a single anti had moved to check the scene. Not a one seemed concerned in the SLIGHTEST that someone nearly DIED just FEET away from them. No one cried out, no one batted an eyelash—they simply continued shouting prayers at the doors and deaf ears, and I felt a rage building up inside of me.

It was proof, not that I needed any, but disgusting proof about what the anti’s really care about—controlling people’s bodies. They aren’t seeking to SAVE anyone, to SAVE any babies, they just want to stand around and tell people what to do with themselves, and when a crash which threatens the very thing which they are apparently so devoted to protect—LIFE—happens mere feet from them? They didn’t even take a second look.

I didn’t need an example of the hypocrisy and cold hatred these antis have for anyone but themselves, but honestly? I couldn’t have asked for a better, or more horrific one.*

(*Everyone appeared to be okay in the accident. The woman started moving around and the old man seemed okay, everyone just looked really shaken up. The accident could have been FAR worse than it was, but thankfully everyone made it out okay.)
