#prosciutto jjba


Here’s a drawing I did of Prosciutto based off of an album cover by The Grateful Dead!! That band has such lovely album art- though the roses were a pain to paint

I decided to do some traditional art again! It was refreshing to draw with pencil after just doing digital for so long!!! ❤️❤️

I don’t necessarily head canon this, but here’s an interesting concept: imagine if Pro was a natural born stand user. He had his ability from a very young age, but he had no control over it. He wasn’t even aware The Gratedul Dead existed since it hadn’t properly manifested yet, so sometimes, when he’d touch things (like petting an animal or holding a flower) it would age and shrivel. He turned inward because of this, afraid and confused as to why things would die why he held them. He had a very lonely childhood.

Here’s some soft little Pro and Pesci hugging for the soul ❤️❤️

I think Pro and Pesci have such an interesting relationship. I don’t head canon them as brothers, and that opens up a lot of possibilities for how they met and how their dynamic developed. I head canon that Prosciutto was already part of Passione when he found Pesci and recruited him (kind of like how Fugo recruited Narancia). He saw something in Pesci and decided he’d make a good assassin… but what did he see in him? I like to think that Pesci was a natural born stand user, and Prosciutto witnessed his stand in action and was impressed by its ability. I think he made Pesci his personal project- he saw what Pesci could become but he knew it would take a long time to mold him into someone capable of killing, and Prosciutto, therefore, took him under his wing with Risotto’s approval. Over time, Prosciutto grew to care for Pesci far more than he initially expected, and he began to see Pesci as his own brother.

My best friend’s a butcher, he has sixteen knives

He carries them all over the town

At least he tries


Risopro week 2021

Day 1 - Regular life

found this while cleaning my ipad folders. This is from when i tried out animation stuff with procreate and for some reason i didn’t post it before :’D 
