#protective bucky barnes




Your Protector, Forever

Pairing: 6’4 Bucky Barnes x Reader

Warning: Soft!dark Bucky Barnes, Yandere!Bucky Barnes, size kink? Bad words?  If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.

Summary: How could you, the one he had been bickering with for the past months, be so small? How could he not protect someone as small as you? orBasically, a fic where Bucky saw you in person for the first time and proclaimed himself as your protector..and man.

A/N:hola!!!! I come again bearing a gift to you for my 600 followers celebration! IDK if this is considered as a long one-shot, but alas, please enjoy my loves!!!


Steve’s story

“Left!” you shouted over the microphone, your eyes following the dot on the screen where he was heading- right towards the enemy, right to the opposite direction that you pointed at him, “I said left, you idiot!” you hissed. Eight men were awaiting him right around the corner, but he was moving as if he was goading you, as if your irritation at him elated him to no extent. This sadistic as fuck bastard.

“I swear once you get back I will report your ass!” you promised him as your fingers tapped away on your keyboard, sending him reinforcements. You alerted Sam that his adopted friend was being an idiot once again, making your job more difficult than it already was. It was your job to take care of the logistics, to make sure that these agents, no matter how strong they were, would get to do their jobs without injuries, or if you were lucky, with minimal scratches.

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Ooph! I see no problem with protective Bucky. I mean—

Hhahahaha protective and instalove Bucky is top tier
